Life Lessons


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

One Hour

I have been struggling to find a blog idea.   Usually I have an opinion on something, or something crosses my path to stir up a memory, but lately......nada.

I saw this picture on facebook last week (thanks Ronda) and although it makes me emotional, it also makes me think.  It took me over a week to come up with my answer.  Who would have thought a bench could make you dig so deep!

I have been going over all the possibilities, and that did eliminate most folk.  Why would I choose to spend that time with someone living, whom I know?  I should spend enough time with my "peeps" that I wouldn't yearn for one hour on a bench.  Although if I did chose from this category it would either be a group (Vicki, Mary, Kelli.......but an hour wouldn't be nearly enough time.), or Grandma Ann.  I miss spending a few hours every day with that feisty 97 year old.  I still see her from time to time, but it isn't enough.

I have also eliminated people I know who have passed away because honestly just thinking about it makes me tear up.  How would an hour ever be enough??  I know myself, and I would be devastated when the time was up.......again.  I don't have things left unsaid with most of them, and the few I do have an issue or two with, well, it wouldn't be solved in that amount of time.  They were who they were, and I've worked through all of that.

The answer was narrowing down to someone from the past I hadn't met, or the present that I have not had the chance to meet.  I have only one answer from the present.  Oh, you all know it's Hillary!!! :)  If I go with someone from the past it would probably be Laura Ingalls Wilder.  They are just interesting women who fascinate me. 

However: (after more than a week of chewing on it) The answer is............

My gut reaction to this question was my Great Grandmother, Emma Meys.  I have always regretted that she was gone years before my time, because her story fascinates me.  It is a very tragic tale, although I must believe that she found a lot of joy in life too.  I would love to hear her tell her life story.  Maybe an hour on this bench could help me put together the parts that I don't know.  I know the hardships, but I would love to know her joys.  To hear the reasons she made the choices she did, and to know her personality first hand, would be more of a gift than I could ever describe.  If she hadn't been brave enough to leave her "class", her family, and her country behind none of "us" would be here.  It would be incredible to be able to thank her for that, and to be sure she knew that through her tragedy a strong, loving family was built.