Life Lessons


Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Hughitt Hillbillies!

♫ Banjo Music♫ Come and listen to a story 'bout some fine country folk, who moved into town and this really is no joke. They lived in the middle of a bustling city block, but they gathered in the backyard to burn things and to talk. Five foot fires that is, with lots of beer!

I must preface this by again telling you that I am a good neighbor. I do not meddle where my nose does not belong, however, if you shove your business right under my nose, at the very least I'm going to blog about you. At the very most I'll call the cops. :) (and yes, one of them did resemble the man over there <----- )

The house next door is your average middle class home. If I took a picture of it and posted it here it would appear that all was normal, and perhaps with the new neighbors there, it is. Although I only ever see them in the garage, and the basement lights are on all night long, but only at night....... I know this because they shine in my bedroom window. Perhaps fodder for a future blog, perhaps we'll all just have a nice summer........ is that really so much to ask???

Also, I am a big believer in live and let live, to each his own, and all that jazz. Again, when you keep it out of my space! If you want 35 junk cars, 50 foot bonfires, and all night out door drinking parties, go for it. In the country where you are not bothering anyone!! I spent a fair amount of time last summer drinking around a bonfire........ in the country where we weren't an issue to anyone else. Junk cars? Well there weren't 35, and they weren't mine, but they were definitely represented. :)

The hillbillies and I are/were separated by about 10 feet and a (thank God) fence. Most warm summer nights, work nights mind you, not usually on a Friday or Saturday night, they would throw some logs on the fire and start drinking.

#1 I am allergic to smoke.

#2 I don't want all of MY clothes and my home to smell like smoke.

#3 Hi, I work for a living! Can you tone it down by midnight? 5am and still partying is not acceptable. You are ten feet from my freaking BED.

#4 It's hot out and I want to open my #$@#$% windows!

#5 I can still hear your drunk rambling/fighting through my closed windows.

This went on for four summers. While the police arrived and broke things up several times, I actually only called once. The day the adults had passed out somewhere and the teenagers were drunkenly throwing fireworks into the five foot bonfire ten feet from my head, at midnight on a Tuesday. That time there were MANY fines doled out, and the fires stopped for the rest of July/August.

Last summer when I had my half day Fridays (let us all pause a moment and mourn the fact that I can't do that this summer) there they fire, but drinking beer sitting in a circle on the back lawn. SERIOUSLY? Again, I can hear every word, and I don't want to! I started calling that group "The brain trust." Apparently they all met around noon for an hour or so to drink and discuss hillbilly stuff. Or they just heard I would be home and decided to torture me......

By the end of last summer I was at my wits end with the sleepless nights and nonsense. I couldn't do anything to get them evicted, they owned the house. So I started planning and looking for a new place to live. Mind you I also had all the craziness from the people above me added to the mix.

♫ Then one day I drove up to my pad, and a for sale sign was next door, so it really ain't so bad!

It didn't take long for the house to sell, it's a nice house, and the general neighborhood is good. I sat in my car the day I saw that sign and just about cried with joy! I know I was yelling YES! YES! YES! Sometimes when I put things out into the universe it does go my way! Well, we'll see............

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