Life Lessons


Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Rainbow of Goovers

That would be Aunt Ti-Ti on the left and Aunt Jenny on the right. From left to right it goes like this: Tater, Nana, CeCe Butt, Fred~the artist formerly known as Pablo, and last but not least Baby Easter Pig Nose. Auntie Pig nose is taking the pic, so she is not represented. :) That's ok. You know what I look like. I did get a hair cut the other day though. I can't really feel the difference because my hair is so thick, but when I tried to put it in a long glorious pony tail.... it was just a stump and I almost cried.

We colored eggs yesterday at my house. The older the kids get the more fun it is, because they take their time now, and are starting to get a little more artistic. Next year maybe I'll buy one of the cooler kits. Ashlyn and I used to play with those when she was 9 or so. (that would be the aforementioned baby Easter pig nose) Yesterday she asked me if I remembered the Easter when we tried to blow out the egg. I did, and then after the coloring, we dragged out the old albums and finally in the very last one we found the pictures. We also found the pictures of our Easter tea party, complete with dresses and hats.

Many times I've blogged about Ash being the light of my life, so she knows that. Finally I was able to point to something (the tea party pictures) and say there is an example. Ashlyn that was a horrible day in my life, and there you were with your tea set anxious and ready to play, so we did, and for awhile I was able to escape to a happier place.

Thanks for coloring the eggs for me, Goovers! They'll taste yummy all deviled up for Easter tomorrow. Can't wait for the big Easter Egg hunt!

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