Life Lessons


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Day the Rain Came Down

Part of me wishes that I had pictures of this event, and part of me knows why I didn't take them. My life was in such a bad place, and this little gem about tossed me into the coo-coo nest.

So....... I moved into the apartment in October, and besides the divorce going through and some forays into Internet dating that never went beyond the first (shudder) date, my life was pretty dull and quiet. That all changed one late March/early April morning, and even trying to write about it years later I'm starting to get upset. That fateful day I woke up at 6:30 am to the sound of a heavy rain falling. "Hmmmm, that sounds kind of loud." My sleepy brain could tell something wasn't right, so I stumbled out of bed and into the kitchen, where it became louder. I flipped on the light, and there in front of me, right over the stove was water dripping from the ceiling. A lot was coming down, but just in that spot. However, as I stood there, mouth agape, it started to travel across the ceiling towards me. I threw some sweats on, and ran up the back stairs as fast as I could!

Lets see, crazy neighbors in the house at the time: Above me in that apartment were the "M&M's" two nice enough college girls who's names both began with M. Can't recall what they were, and couldn't then either, thus they became the M&M's. Across from them were (and still are) Kari and her two kids, down below them resided the college boys..... yeah. That was the trouble spot during those days. Typical college stuff.

Anyway, back to the story. I ran up to the M&M's apartment and start banging on the door. M number one opens it after a bit. I can hear water running full blast. She was like "What?" I frantically told her to tell M number 2 to get out of the shower, (cause I can hear water running) something was wrong and my kitchen was leaking. At this point Kari pokes her head out to remind us she has children sleeping. M number 1 says. "M number 2 isn't even here." That is when all three of us noticed the river of water coming across the kitchen floor. In the words of Kari "OMG we are Fu..ed!" She blew past me and shut the water off, but it was too late. The problem stemmed from a hole in the pipe under the kitchen sink and a ton of water had already leaked out.

*Shaking my head* SO too late. Kari and I ran back downstairs, and my kitchen was leaking in several places. I quickly shut off the lights because they were filling with water. Kari ran up to call Ron, the maintenance man, and I called the landlord, who of course did not answer, so I left some sort of panicked message. Then I sat on my couch staring, listening to the water. I think I was in shock. I knew I should do something, but I couldn't think what. Towels just weren't going to cut it. After a few minutes I started bringing things from the counters out to the dining room table. When that was done I called work and said "Not coming in at the moment, but when the flood subsides we'll talk." We had a big Pre-K thing at WITC, and I didn't want to leave Jodie with the kids and a sub. I did actually make it in around 11:30. The clean up crew with landlord in tow arrived somewhere around seven. Fred owns a building company, so he has crews to handle these things if need be. They proceeded to punch holes in my ceiling so it wouldn't fall in. Water poured out by the gallons. I went into the living room and just sat, stunned.

By this time the bathroom ceiling was also leaking, but most of the damage was in the kitchen. Within days it was gutted down to nothing, studs on four walls, ceiling, and floor. The smell of wet wood, plaster, everything.........yuck! Workmen in the house off and on for the next SIX weeks. I had to keep Misty and Pepper in the bedroom at all times at first, and then during the day when the workmen were here. I asked Steve to take them, but of course the Stewardess was back, so he couldn't/wouldn't. Thanks there buddy. Appreciated that one. The cupboards were not harmed, nor anything inside, so they were in the basement and all the dishes, including my china, were on the dining room table. The fridge and microwave were also in here. The stove was still in the kitchen, but not usable. At first it was kind of like camping, by the end I wanted to strangle someone. (namely Fred) I did get a $25 gift card to the Hammond for "being so patient and not complaining." Did I get a rent break? No way Jose. Jackass.

What I did get was a brand new kitchen. I hated the flooring, it was old, gross, and coming up in a LOT of places. I wouldn't even let the kids play on it after I washed it. I also got new flooring in the little hall and the bathroom. I should be the poster child for "be careful what you wish for." I have to be very careful what I put out there into the universe. "Dear God, I hate this kitchen." God gave me a new kitchen. He also gave me panic attacks ever time I wake up in the night and hear rain coming down! :) OH, I should mention that the only thing of mine (besides my sanity) that was destroyed was a hand mixer.

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