Life Lessons


Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Big Lie

Before "The Rain Came Down" the building inspector had come to visit us on Hughitt Avenue. Of course I was at work, I'm always at work, so he didn't get in here. Other than the crappy flooring, and the lack of ventilation in the bathroom, there wouldn't have been anything to cite anyway. Like I said, I have the best apartment of the four. The other apartments had MANY serious infractions, and we all received notices that if Fred didn't fix them the building would be condemned and out we would have to go.

So fast forward to about two weeks after "The Rain Came Down." I get home from work one gentle April evening and there is a camera crew sitting across the street filming our building. I peek out the window, and call Kari. She and the M&M's come downstairs and we all peer out the front door. What the heck? Hmm.... maybe they heard about the rain coming down, and the slowness of the fix up, and are including Fred in an expose' on Superior's slum lords??? Quite possible.

One of the M's called Fox News (the station out there) and asked why in the heck they were filming her home??? The answer? The Hawaiian Drug Lord who lived there is coming up for trial. Kari called me with this information. I innocently said "Drug Lord? What are they talking about?" Yeah. The big lie. Oh, the people before you haven't been here long, they are moving out because of domestic abuse. The guy beat her up pretty bad.

How about this: A drug lord from Hawaii, the head of some group here in little old Superior, lived in YOUR apartment. He snatched this girl, the girlfriend of one of his cronies who pissed him off, and held her against her will, doing God knows what to your apartment.

So I'm glad that I didn't actually move right in here. Who knows who was lurking around, and for what purpose. I feel like there should have been some bad "vibe" in here, but honestly this is the most comfy, cozy place, and it has always felt like home. I watched the news that night. He is one scary looking M...F.... So I guess there have been worse neighbors in this building than the ones I content with. Who, by the way, are supposed to be out today. Who also came by last night to ask if I could take the cat. I feel bad, but because of some stuff that just came up yesterday, I can't take her. My responsibilities are to Milkie, and my family, and that's going to be a full plate for a few weeks. Plus Sammo is coming today and I could not imagine a new cat in THAT mix.

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