Life Lessons


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just Me

My writing has slowed some, but my mind continues to race with ideas to blog. So much so that I have had to start an actual list of topics on my desk!

Today though, in this particular moment, I just want to focus on me. What's that? Yes, I know "The Queen's Corner" is all about me, and my thoughts, but this one is just about what's going on with me in this moment.

I am proud of myself. It must be about three weeks ago now, but I had a few very rough days. If you took all the pain of the last six months and stuffed it into me all at once, that would cover the way I felt. It was horrible, but what it really boiled down to, was a part of me fighting to get free, and a part of me not wanting to let it go. The stronger part of me, the me who is "The Queen of the World", the me I love, was finally able to push past the pain and nonsense to break free and take the reins, tell the other me to sit down, shut up, and let it go, and I am so thankful.

Now I'm not saying that I have multiple personalities, (ha, that would be a hoot) or even a split personality. With me what you see is what you get. You will probably only ever see "The Queen of the World." Not many are allowed past to the vulnerable side. That part of me that feels all the hurts, but also can love and commit to someone, unconditionally, with everything she has. When I can balance the two together, I'm an unstoppable force. When the scales tip one way or the other, well, that's where the problems start. I guess the key to being me is balance. Ha, that must be because I'm a Libra!

So here's to me, "The Queen of the World." Have I ever told you how I came by the title? Well, my Aunt Mary, whom I love and miss, was called "Queenie" by her family. My family christened me with it early in life. I took it as a compliment, and I always will. One day, while I was critiquing a random movie that my x husband and I had just seen he looked at me with exasperation and said "Who do you think you are? The Queen of the World?" I looked at him, smiled and said. "You finally get it." That was not the response he was expecting. :) He just sighed and walked away, while I laughed my head off.

So let the healing begin........ finally!

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