Life Lessons


Monday, April 18, 2011

Miss Joanie's Neighborhood

♫ Won't you please, won't you PLEASE? Please won't you be my neighbor????? ♫

So now the odd people upstairs have moved out. There is peace in the building once again. How long can that last? *sigh* Probably not very long. The chances of more nonsense moving in are pretty much 90% I would guess. We now have me, Kari and her kids, and the elderly lady who is still in the hospital. Pretty quiet, mostly sane, definitely nobody showing up on a Sat afternoon with a baseball bat to scream at any of the three apartments. No one showing up yelling and screaming about being sold an ebt card without the pin number, and certainly no one doing drugs in the garage. Alcohol, well of course, but that's adults, in moderation, in their own home. ;)

I have to say, before I get into the rest of the neighbors, that I am a good neighbor. I will give you sugar, or foil (Kari) if you ask for it. I will mind my own business, and respect your privacy. I rarely poke my nose out of my window to see who's doing what, although that has changed some with all the craziness going on. I find that my first floor windows, with shades wide open tend to deter the crazy on the front lawn stuff. I understand that kids, and people, are going to make a fair amount of noise, just from plain living, and that's all cool. I will not complain about you to the landlord until I'm just about to kill you. That's to keep myself out of jail, not to be a tattle tale! (ha, that rhymes)

So, after the rain came down the M&M's left. Ryan and Ashley moved in, and they were fine. I always know where the neighbors upstairs are at any given time. I can't hear tv, or voices, but for some reason even the lightest footstep echos. They actually had a baby during the time they lived here, and I could only hear her if she really got revved up! Ugh, now that I'm remembering, I probably heard the headboard the night she was conceived. lol THAT noise carries.

The spring was pretty peaceful, but then In late May the leased tenant across the hall moved out, and left one of his room mates in the apartment. I think his name was Tom. All hell broke out on Memorial day weekend, with all three of the other apartments calling the Landlord. He actually came home from the cities on Memorial day and read Tom the riot act in the front hall. Then we all had a "come to Jesus" meeting with him to tell him how things were going to be. It was better after that.....until he and his girlfriend got the dog...... Maddy was her name. Winter came, and they NEVER cleaned up after her, not once. You could imagine the mess come spring. The landlord did make them clean it up. She wasn't a nice dog either, I dreaded meeting her in the back hall.

When they moved out, and older woman moved in. She was here about 6 months, then an older gent, and then Vie. So that apartment has been pretty good. When Ryan and Ashley moved out a single gal moved in, and so for about 6 months it was all peace on Hughitt Avenue. Ha, not really. Have I mentioned the Hillbillies? Well ♫ Listen to a tale bout a man name Jed ♫ They were my next door, own the house, neighbors....... and they were almost the straw that got me to move out of here. To be continued...........

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