Life Lessons


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So, I said I would never skip the poles (I'm going to leave that error........ yes, I know NOW that it's polls. It took me two hours of thinking about it to figure out what was wrong with the spelling, yes it has been a LONG day.) again, and I didn't. That's one thing about me, when I say I'm going to do something, or for that matter, NOT do something, I stick to it. You might get me to change my mind about the not doing something, but never on the "I will do something" front. I am a woman of my word. I like that about me.

So that's done. Hopefully Kloppenburg will win a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat, and Mr. Walker will understand that the majority of this state is not amused by his behavior. Perhaps Justice Prosser will also get the message. The mayoral race? Well..... I didn't like it. I almost (hand to God) wrote myself in. I suppose Mickey Mouse would have done just as well. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. What more can you do, other than run yourself, and O.M.G. nobody (including me) wants me to do that! My right wing nuts pals will be shocked to learn that I leaned in their direction this time. I just can't personally stomach the other guy, or his vision. God above, I hope I was right. Otherwise I will enjoy the water slides....... uh, not. I can't afford them. :)

So I hope you voted today, if that applies to you. It's your right, and your obligation. Don't complain about the outcome if you didn't take the time to make your voice heard. Apparently if you bring your sticker to O'Neil's (bar) it's BOGO (buy one get one). Who knew there would be bonus prizes??? Ha! ADIOS!

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