Life Lessons


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Spite Pizza

I saw an article on Facebook the other day that said, "Aggravation is a sign of a healthy relationship."  I laughed out loud, and read it to the Brown Eyed man.  It went on to say that aggravation is a sign that you are comfortable with the person you are involved with.  I took it to mean that ME being aggravated with HIM means that I am comfortable, so I stated that I certainly must be comfy in this relationship.

Reading a little farther it became clear that it is the person doing the aggravating who is the comfortable one.  Which makes a lot more sense.  So then he had the laugh, and continues to tell me how comfortable he is with me.  (How aggravating.)

Me: If you want some buttered bread with the tater tot hot dish, it's on the island.
L: I don't want any butter.  I already got yelled at about butter once today.
Me: *glare* well, not only did you leave the empty container in the fridge, you ALSO left the butter on the counter in the paper, not in the dish.  So there.  You got yelled at twice.
L: It's ok.  I don't listen to you anyway.  *grin*
Me: This is not a surprise.
L: I'm so comfortable with you baby..........

A little later in the evening we were discussing him being off today, and what was available to eat.  I mentioned several things.

L: There's pizza in the freezer.
Me: Stay out of it.
L: Why?
Me: It's for dinner on Tuesday.
L: Why do you have to buy things in advance?  (he prefers the hunt and forage on a daily basis method)
Me: If you eat that freaking pizza YOU are buying another one, or you can go hungry on Tuesday.

So I go merrily off to work today.  When I arrived home and opened up the door I saw a paper plate on the living room floor, (because the dog gets to lick the plate) and I knew it.  I looked and saw the toaster oven door hanging open, and I knew it.  I saw the garbage still on the island, and I knew it.  

Me: Why did you eat that pizza?
L: *grins* I don't know.  I ate the hot dish, and I ate the soup.
Me: And you still needed to eat half a pizza.
L: I guess so.
Me: You did that out of spite.
L: No............
Me: You did too.  It is spite pizza.
L:  (just looks at me)
Me: (Picks up a piece, takes a bite, tips head as if thinking, glares at him) Yep, tastes like spite to me!

Much laughter, although I would like to wring his neck.

Dinner for me tonight is spite pizza.  Dinner tonight for him?  Guess he will have to hunt and forage. ♥