Life Lessons


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sister Mary Gregory and Covid 19

(Signing in today to write something else I found this little gem that I didn't publish. Enjoy, wear your mask, and practice social distancing. )

First of all, I hope this finds you all well. 

This rant started out as a Facebook post, then I realized, "Hey, I have a better platform for rants! There is a blog out there in the interwebs that could use some dusting off.

A phrase that I've been hearing one version or another of lately is,"I'm not afraid, God will protect me." This is usually stated by someone not wearing a mask, or practicing social distancing. Sister Mary Gregory (Better known as my Mother. Yes, my Mother.... No, she had been out of the convent for quite awhile...) would have had a field day with you.

First, let me stare at you like you've lost your mind and find my best Ruthie tone. If I come click clacking across a hard wood floor in my high heels, that will set the scene perfectly. 

(Fill in your first and middle name here) have you heard that the Lord helps those who help themselves? Put on your mask and follow the guidelines. Say your prayers, quit whining about staying home, and offer it up for the poor souls in purgatory. You ARE your brother's keeper.

I think that about covers it. 

She may also have asked why you thought you were more important/special to God than the thousands of people who have died. 

Or maybe that's my question, but i think my Mom is there too. She, in her own way, which was much more polite than mine,(if you weren't family) did not suffer fools lightly. In that respect, I am my Mother's daughter.