Life Lessons


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

May the Jarts Be With You

Growing up I loved to play Jarts, and I can not tell you how many hot summer afternoons Vicki and I  wasted away tossing spikes with plastic feathers into little yellow circles, for points, in her yard. Crank up the boom box with 80's tunes, and we were set.  Dangerous? I suppose so.  You can't buy the old kind in the stores anymore.  Some dumb bunnies probably took one to the head.  Worst thing that ever happened when we were playing was one stuck in the garage siding. (No Ma, it wasn't me.)
Jarts anyone?

I wanted to get a croquet set for our yard, but I'm going to have to order it online, because the local stores don't carry them on hand.  A few weeks ago Menards had a set in their Sunday ad, so I ran off gleefully to buy it.  Nope. Nothing. Nada.  BUT!  They had a set of lawn darts.  Hmmmm.... I wanted something to play with the kids, so I purchased a set.

This is what the new version look like.  Cheap plastic with a bean bag in the end.  No, they don't come with the nifty black stripe, that is electrical tape.  Every time one landed it burst apart. (eye roll)  Instead of taking them back (since we wanted to play) The Brown Eyed Man fixed them.

I came up with the idea of having a summer challenge, and the winner has to buy the loser Shamrock Pizza the Friday after Labor Day.  We had to discuss the rules, terms. etc. before we began.  There was a lot of discussing.  Then rules were modified (not by me) as we began the first game.  Then rules were changed back (that time it was me) during the second game.  So far we are 2-2.

These new "darts"are really a pain. They don't "stick" when you throw them, like the old kind.  They bounce all over creation.  You have to figure out where to bounce it to land it in, or near, the circle.  I was going to ask The Brown Eyed Man to just built us some real Jarts, but I can't.  (see pic on the left) The dang dog wont stay off the course.  He just lays wherever, and comes right up to us when we're throwing.  It is fun to be outside playing a game though.

Looking forward to the Goover Sleepover this weekend, time to teach the Goovs about lawn darts!  Oh, and there will be s'mores!  I believe I have hidden the chocolate well enough that it will make it that far. (If I don't get into it.........)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Love Mama (Happy Bday Cece!)

Instead of writing a blog (Yes, I know that I have been seriously remiss lately.) I am just going to share something that happened with Cierra last week, in her Mother's own words.

" I was sitting on a bench that I have out there and CeCe came up to me and gave me a big hug, when she was patting my back she said Love, I wasn't sure if that is what she said or not, so I said Mama loves you too Sugar and then she gave me another big hug and said Love Mama. Ok, anyone who knows me knows that my eyes immediately started tearing up when it happened just as they are as I am writing this now. Many people tell me that CeCe is so blessed to have me as her Mom, my friends this is not the truth at all. I am so blessed to have my precious baby girl, she honestly has made my life complete, she has brought so much happiness and joy to my life from the time we brought her home when she was 9 weeks old, believe it or not, she will be 10 years old one week from today. She took me and Tom Dorin from being a happily married couple to being a happy family!!! We are so proud of her for everything that she has learned how to do!!! God Bless!!!" 

CeCe has a hard time verbalizing things, although she is pretty good at communicating her wants and needs to those around her.  That was the first time in TEN years that my sister heard her child tell her that she loves her.  We all know that Cemonster loves her Mama, Papa, and family.  It's very obvious to anyone.  She just has never been able to say it, until now.  

I spent some time playing with CeCe last night, and while she was bossing me around I asked her if she could say "love".  "LOVE" same back clear as a bell.  I went to hug her and I said "I love you CeCe!" She gave me a dirty look, and made me play our patty cake game.  BUTT!  It's o.k. I know she loves me.  That was just payback for me getting to see a lot of the "first" things she did, instead of her mother.

Happy 10th birthday Cierra Ruthmarie!  Where has the time gone?!  I LOVE YOU, BUTT!smile emoticon