Life Lessons


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Teacher Joanie

As you can tell, if you follow my blog, I haven't been writing a lot this past year.  Unfortunately it seems that it has been one of those years (or seasons) of "just get through it".  I toss it on auto pilot and keep moving forward.

When these periods enter my life, it usually takes something big to move me out of it, and that is just what has happened.  I'm excited, and happy to announce that I am no longer "receptionist" Joanie, that I have returned to being "teacher" Joanie!

It has always been in my long range plan to go back to working with children.  It's not what I do, it is who I am, down to my very core.  Period.  The how, and what, were the question.  I still had some debt things I wanted to work on, but suddenly that couldn't matter anymore.  A person has her limits, and I have gone above and beyond mine.

The Brown Eyed Man was a little nervous, then extremely impressed when I cast my line and popped up with a job immediately.  He didn't understand two things:

1. I am Teacher Joanie.
2. Childcare is ALWAYS hiring.

It was just a matter of where I wanted to cast that line.

Of course I know a lot of folks in this field, I know people I like, people I don't, centers that are alright, and centers I would never put a child in, let alone work for.  Of all of the above, I felt like I had three real options. (on my part anyway, like I said child care is always hiring)  I decided to give Superior Children's Center the first shot.  Anna is there, and Anna and I have worked together MANY times over the years.  Shes seemed to like it, and when I asked her if it was an o.k. place she thought that I would like it.  She knows me well, so she knows if I would fit.

I also have worked with the director before, in a different capacity, so she knows "teacher" Joanie. When we spoke on the phone she seemed excited to hear from me, so I went right in and got an application.  I can't tell you the depth of what I felt when I walked into the Preschool classroom, and immediately a child I have never seen before attached himself to my leg. Then the assistant director introduced herself, saying "You don't know me, but I know who you are, and you need to come and work here!" I asked if I could fill out the application right there, and I sat down at the little table, in the small blue chair, and I knew I was home.  Plain and simple.

I started work this past Monday, and it feels so good to be ME again!  There are no other words for it.

As God (and all of you) as my witness, I will NEVER make a money motivated decision again,  Life is too short.  My Dad used a phrase when we were growing up, that irritated me to no end "When the wolf is at the door.........." (insert whatever it is that you will have to do)   I lived my entire life, up until the age of 42, proving him wrong.  The wolf has never been far from my door, but I just got tired of him being around all the time, so I caved.  I took the opportunity to shut him up, and gave away who I am in the process.

I love you Dad, but you were wrong.  Maybe that's what you felt you had to do, and realizing that clears up a few things for me.  Maybe it's what I felt I had to do at the time, but it was the wrong choice.

I have been very blessed in this life, to have enough. (no matter the situation) I am proud to say that I have never taken a hand out, even when I could have, and I always pay my own way, There have been times where I have given away the last I had to help someone, because I knew that I would be o.k.  I have an amazing, supportive family and circle of friends, including the Brown Eyed Man who is everything to me.  There has always been a roof over my head, and food to eat.

What more does anyone need?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tater is TEN!

Well, it has finally happened.  Our baby is TEN!  All of the kids are in double digits now. :(

Got Cheerios?
We had a sleepover a couple of weeks back, but it wasn't a birthday sleepover, so we will have to have one before the school year starts!  It was hot out, so a lot of time was spent inside playing UNO, and we watched the Wizard Of Oz, because I finally got a turn to pick!  When we were outside in the cooler evening air, I taught the Goovers how to play jarts.  Once they got the hang of it, we chose teams (of course Tater went with The Brown Eyed Uncle) and it was ON.  Hannah and I lost, but just by a few points.  The impromptu victory dance that Tater and her Uncle created was epic.  I am sorry that I didn't get it on film, but I (and probably Hannah) will never forget it! :)

Tater was also in "The Little Mermaid Jr." a musical that the school district puts on through the summer school program.  She absolutely loved it, and was a Mermaid in the chorus.  We all had a great time at the performances, even though there is NO air conditioning in the auditorium.

Tater is also a real life mermaid!  She has spent half of this summer in the water.  Here's a pic of her swimming in Lake Ruth, at the same cabin we used to swim at as children.  She was one of the first in, and the absolute last out.  Everyone was packing up to leave and there she was, floating around.  It was the first opportunity I have ever had to swim with the Goovers!  Good times!

Happy birthday to our spitfire!  Even if I have to take the back seat to your "authentic", "cool", Uncle these days, I still love you with all of my heart!  (but I'm not buying you a pony..... lol)

XXOO  Aunt Joanie