Life Lessons


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Grandma's Flowers

Today is the day I had slated to buy flowers.  Of course it is 50 degrees outside, and was pouring cats and dogs when I got to the store.  I did some other shopping to kill time, and the rain had lessened a bit by the time I finished, so I zipped up my green rain jacket, put on my hood (and my big girl panties) and went out to play in the rain/flowers/muck.

No red geraniums.  Boo.  I don't want pink ones.

I guess I will get wave petunia, because they will cover some ground, and that's what I need.  What to buy?  I don't want purple, there's enough purple/pink when the garden is in full bloom.  Wait!  Look!  They have the striped ones that The Brown Eyed Man talks about!  They are white and (sigh) purple, but they are the only flower he has ever mentioned liking.  I always ask, and he never has a preference, except for once.  One time he mentioned that his Grandma (whom he was extremely close to) had this kind of flower in her garden.  I never come across them, and today there was just one lonely pack sitting on the sopping wet shelf.  It's is now in my sopping wet back yard, waiting to be planted!

My Grandma also had these striped petunia in her flower beds that ran along one side, and across half the front of her house. I never thought they were anything special.  She had them, some geranium, marigold, and always yellow snap dragon.  Those were my favorite of hers, and after I snagged the striped petunia I turned the corner and there they were.  Yellow snap dragon!  So of course I now have some of those too.

Grandma Meys lived right next door to us, while I was growing up.  My Dad planted those gardens, watered those gardens, and he (or his children) weeded them.  My Grandma was very sickly, she probably got out of the house and saw those flowers three or four times a summer, but every year she had her flowers.

One of my most vivid memories is of the yellow snap dragon.  Hot, hot summer day, barefoot through the cool grass, sneaking over to Grandma's flower garden.  Hearing the loud hum of the ancient behemoth air conditioner, and the splat, splat, splat, of water dripping off of it onto the sidewalk.  The rough concrete of the sidewalk against my bare legs as I knelt down to pinch the flower.  I could sit quietly for ten minutes, just pinching a snapdragon open and closed.  Well, I had to be quiet.  In no way, shape, or form was I supposed to be messing with those flowers!  :)

This afternoon, when I finished gathering up flowers I headed back inside to make my purchase.  Yes, I was soaked.  There was an older gent checking out and he just stared at me and smiled.  I gave him the stink eye from under my hood, and he burst out laughing.  I took off the hood, laughed, and said "Well, today is the day I had planned on buying flowers.  You know how time is."  He said, "Yep, yep I do!  I just hope you don't have to plant them!"  "No sir," I replied. "That's tomorrow."  We laughed again.  The young cashier looked at us like we were nuts.  He did go and get me a box for the muddy mess of plants though.

Someday, when you're older sonny, you'll understand time management.  I have other things to do with the little free time I have while I'm in town this week.  This was my early day, and my day to enjoy flower shopping.  Rain or shine (sleet, snow, etc), today was the day.  I am behind on my gardens because of issues we are having with a bear.  Planting time last weekend was taken up with erecting a fence around the veggie garden, to keep out whatever is stealing things (bear or squirrel), and then the next time I started I was chased away by thunder storms.

A little water never hurt anyone.  As my Mother used to say, "You wont melt.  You aren't that sweet."

I hope he enjoys the striped petunia, as much as I enjoyed finding them!   ♥

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