Life Lessons


Friday, January 10, 2025


 It was very important to me to sit and watch President Carter's funeral yesterday morning, to pay my respects in the only way I could, at the time.  But hey!  I have a blog, so I can publicly pay my respects, while talking about a couple of other things that are going on right now. Although combining this amazing humanitarian, with "the felon", well...... sigh......

President Biden said it best, "character, character, character."  The other people who spoke basically said the same.  Jimmy Carter was a man of character, of principle, he talked the talk and walked the walk.  I think if we each had an eighth of his drive, humility, and desire to serve and protect others this world, this country, would be a better, kinder place

Carter was not the first President in office during my lifetime. I was here for Nixon and Ford, but was too young to remember any of that firsthand, and why would a little child even care? Then President Carter was elected, and we had to do an assignment in third or fourth grade and write a letter to the President. Along with the formal reply letter, there was a picture, and if memory serves correctly, it was a picture of the Carter family, in front of the White House, or inside, it's hard to recall.  I know that Amy Carter was in the picture, and for whatever reason I really spent a lot of time thinking about her, and what it must be like to grow up in the White House. How did I feel about Carter? Meh.... I was a kid.  I did hang that picture on the wall by my bed for a while. 

This is part of a comment I posted on Facebook the other day, that I want to expand on.  Not in a little Facebook blurb, but on a wider scale.  R.E. the current situation. "He is a braggart, bully, convicted felon, rapist, misogynist, and I won't apologize for wanting the President of this country, from either party, to be better than that."  I was writing a reply quickly, because I was in the middle of a busy day, so I did mis speak.  I forgot racist homophobic narcissist. 

Yesterday I was shocked to see that "The Current Situation's" loaded Supreme Court didn't save his bacon, and he would have to be sentenced today by New York State Judge Juan Merchan.  The ruling was 5-4.  We know that he had private phone conversations with TWO of the judges. So, you can do that now?  If you are convicted of a crime you can call up the judge and have a private conversation?  Hmmmmm....... Holding a former President to a different standard.

Today I was not surprised to see that Judge Marchan sentenced The Current Situation to an unconditional discharge, which means yes, you are a convicted felon, but no, there is no punishment for your crime.  In the Judge's own words, he made this ruling BECAUSE The Current Situation was elected again.  Holding a former, and looming President to a different standard.

So, in summary, all the rights and privileges, none of the responsibility for your actions.  That sets a dangerous precedence for future leaders, and for the followers of The Current Situation. (Can you tell that I'm thrilled I finally have something to call him?)

Character matters.  It is SO important to me. I don't have many things in this world, but my character, my name, is very important to me.  Not what you think of me, but what I think of me. I am/was well known in the community that I worked in for thirty years, I was hired several times just on the basis of someone in the business knowing who I am as a person, and how good I am at what I do. I would say that 80% of the jobs I've held, or clients I've had reached out to me, not the other way around. I worked my butt off, and did so with integrity, and love (it is children after all) and respect. I am proud to be known as "Teacher Joanie" or "Miss Joanie" in later years. I have never behaved privately in a way that would reflect poorly on that. Character matters.

I have had a lot of frustrations throughout life, because I hold myself to a high standard, and I just automatically assume the folks around me do too.  Yep. Nope. I'm not talking about working yourself into the ground.  I'm talking about honesty, respect, responsibility, kindness, and work ethic. I don't feel like it's a stretch to expect to hold the President of the United States to a higher standard than I hold for myself, or at least the same standard I hold for myself.  Cheese and crackers, I'd settle for half at this point.

One more side note before I move on with my day. The Obama laugh and smile at the funeral yesterday.  Much is being made of it, and I just want to explain something.

In my opinion, Barak Obama (and Michelle for that matter) hold themselves to a high standard. I appreciated that during his Presidency. He is someone I could disagree with at times, but I could always respect.  When I tuned in to President Carter's funeral and saw where he was seated, I thought, "Ope! You drew the short straw." Then I realized they were seated in order, but you know, who else could you have put there? 

Have you ever been stuck in a situation like that?  Let's say at a staff meeting, where the last chair is next to someone you absolutely cannot stand. There are two types of people in this world, those of us who have been raised with a sense of decency, and those who have not. Of course, Obama would not turn away from a comment from someone seated next to him.  I wouldn't either.  That smile, and head nod..... oh, I know it.  More than likely "how in the hell did I get stuck here" was running through his mind at some point, but he wasn't raised to be an ass.  Kamala walking right up to "The Current Situation" at the debate and forcing a handshake, I get that too. The weak man refusing to shake her hand last week at his wife's swearing in? I see you.  


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