Life Lessons


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lil Fighter

Today I had the chance to spend a few hours with CeCe up in the PICU.  She was up in the wheelchair doing laps around the joint when I arrived, but she greeted me with a silent "Hi" and a wave.  Her hands aren't tied when she's in the chair, but she didn't try any covert maneuvers.  Although she did knock the finger thingy off a couple of times.

We went back to her room and read some books, she wasn't really interested in any of her toys, but again she managed to boss me around and initiate some of the odd games that are just for Auntie.

I had a chance to see the speech therapist give C some things to eat, and she was cautiously optimistic.  CeCe is swallowing, but they want to take it slow and not screw anything up.  We don't need any more set backs.  It was neat that two doctors and a nurse came in to watch Cierra eat and see the progress that she's made over the last few days.  Just seeing the looks on their faces shows you how much they care about their patients.  I believe I saw her nurse wipe away a tear.

I actually heard Dr. Kelly tell my sister that she doesn't think C will come home with the traech in, she's doing that well breathing on her own.  She is being given freedom from the machine for three hours in the am and three in the pm now, and she is breathing on her own all the time, which is good, because I don't know how many times that damn tube popped off when we were  playing.......

Speech therapy left it at "small bites of soft foods that she likes" (applesauce, banana)  which apparently translates into nacho cheese.  Tom came back from one of the taco places with lunch for him and Kate and CeCe went wild when she saw the bag.  Out popped the tube, off came the finger thingy, and she was heading out of bed!  So Tom gave her small globs and she was crazy for it!

Cierra is moving over to rehab at Miller Dwan (just a sky walk away) on Monday.  She has an intensive therapy schedule that really limits visiting time now.  Weekdays no visitors before 3:30, and Sat not before 1:30.  Sunday is a free day.  This does not jive well with Aunties schedule, but all that matters is getting her home.  If I don't see her for a bit, I don't see her. 

Cmonster is also scheduled for a  (dang it I never remember the right lingo) tummy tube to be put in on Friday.  It's a feeding tube, to supplement her nutrition if she isn't eating/drinking well.  My sister has high hopes that C will show them she doesn't need it.  If they had only seen her go after that cheese...  :) 

So things are going well.  I've written it down and jinxed it I'm sure, but it's so refreshing to have something positive to report!  She isn't as strong as she was, but she's getting back to her old self.  They don't believe in tie downs at rehab, she will have a full time nurse.  (cause that's worked so well) So we'll see how that all works out. 

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