Life Lessons


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I am afraid of eggs.  It's just one of those weird things that makes up who I am. :)  Let me explain.

When I was a youngster, back in the BD (before David) days, my father was the one who always got up with us in the morning.  He packed the lunches that my Mom made the night before, made sure we were moving on time, and made our breakfast.  It's that last part that scarred me for life.  Well, at least I will still eat eggs.  My sister wont get anywhere near them, unless it's an omelet and the eggs better be done.

My dad would make us soft boiled (gag) eggs.  I can not abide runny, snotty (gag) eggs.  To this day, if I notice anything wibbling on an egg, I am done.  He also was a wiz with toast.  Swap, swap, with the butter knife, and wherever it hit was where it got and that was it.  He tried.......

My Mom made fried eggs and bacon every Sunday morning, and for the most part I would eat them, she could get the whites cooked through without cooking the yolk, and I loved them!  My ex would try, but there was always a wibble, and I wouldn't eat it, and he'd get ornery.  So I stuck to scrambled or omelets.

Then along came The Brown Eyed Man, and he can cook a fried egg to perfection!  He even taught me how, and for the most part now I can too.

That brings us to my other issue with eggs.  I am afraid of "real" eggs.  I don't know why.  You know, the brown colored eggs that come right from the farm.   I guess I am so used to the white eggs that I didn't want to chance it.  A patient brought in some eggs for the gals at the office the other day and after telling her that I was afraid she brought me an egg six pack to try.  I brought them out to the Brown Eyed Man last weekend and he fried em up just right. ( I wouldn't touch them.......ugh I have problems......) They were absolutely delicious! 

So now I am on the list for fresh eggs, and I am no longer (mostly) afraid of eggs.  Unless, of course, they wibble.  (gag)

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