Life Lessons


Monday, March 4, 2013

Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

Sometimes it amazes me that I can have a perfectly sane question in my mind, and it leads me right down the path to Zombie Apocalypse. *shrug*

The question that I'm pondering is:  What would be my reaction to running into a Zombie?

What I already know about myself leads me to two very different conclusions.


In the past I have proven (and not to smartly I might add) that if someone is threatening bodily harm to someone or something I love, I will fight with everything I've got to protect them.  I cant  help it, the fight response just kicks in and away we go.  Apparently even my five foot nothing can be pretty scary when that response kicks in, and that's all I have to say about that.

Which leads us to:


I don't run away.  Ever.  Except from mice that are dead in the trap.  Why do I always find them? Although I have never actually seen one, it's always the trap out of place that I notice. (Yes, every single time I go into the kitchen I glance at the traps.) Usually I sing a little song about no breakfast until the dead mice disappear, but I do it as I'm leaving the kitchen, quickly. Which leads us to the other thing that happened......


*Sigh*  This past summer I learned that when confronted with a snake I about lose my mind.  Literally.  I can't move, or speak, or even breathe.  This is my story.

It was a hot Sunday afternoon in June.  I was sitting on the top step of the front porch with the pup and The Brown Eyed Man was fixing the bottom step.  When he finished he lazily leaned back on his hands and relaxed in the grass while we talked about dinner options. ( I am tensing up even thinking about what happened next.)  All of the sudden a snake pops out from under the porch, and is heading right for him.  The pup doesn't notice, he doesn't notice, and I freeze.  Dead in the water.  I know I have to say something, or do something, but I can't move. The bright green and yellow two foot gardener snake is heading right for him!  I start to hyperventilate and croak out the word "snake".  "What?"  I gathered everything I had and choked it out again. "SNAKE!" He glances down at it nonchalantly while the dang thing crawls right over his hand, *shudder* and off under the four wheeler.  The pup never does notice, although we had another incident with him and a dead snake about a month later. 

It took me a long time to settle down and speak/breathe normally after that.  Yes, I could not talk, and that's saying something.....

So I look at these very different responses to very real situations and of course I have to wonder.... What would I do if a zombie was at the door?  Would I fight, would I run, or would I freeze?  I would like to say fight to the death, because that's just the kind of gal I am, and up until the snake incident that would have been my answer.  Here's hoping I never have to find out!

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