Life Lessons


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Three Years

It's not quite anniversary time, but I knew it was getting close.  On March 27 it will be three years since I started writing this blog!  I don't keep track normally, but in searching out the actual start date I noticed that the blog I'm writing now is number 345.  That is amazing to me, I can't believe that I've stuck with it this long, or that I have had that much to write about. 

This Friday night at happy hour I will have to raise a glass of  "pink" to celebrate. 

I feel like I should have something profound to say about the year that has gone by, something learned, something gained.......... eh?  ( I have actually sat here staring at that sentence for about five minutes.)  I'm farther ahead of the game in some ways, and have taken a step back in others.  There are things that I'm content with and things that I am not.  Things to change, things to let simmer, it's just life.  Which is so very precious, regardless of what's going on.

I guess if a theme runs through this last year of blogs it would be change, and reconnection.  I have had some wonderful opportunities to spend time with old friends, and look forward to more to come. 

In other news, Cierra has pneumonia again in both lungs. She is on meds (as of yesterday when it was confirmed) and home with her Mom. Please say a prayer that she is able to recover quickly, at home.  Ashlyn is gearing up for Prom in a few weeks ( twinge), Pablo is about to be eleven, and the little goovers are sleeping over next week. (heaven help me)  

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