Life Lessons


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away

I actually love the rain. I love listening to it, and listening to a storm roll in.  However!

It is June first,  JUNE FIRST, and the buds are barely out on the trees.  Since winter lasted until May you would expect us to be a little behind, but this is ridiculous!  It's a rare day when the sun shines, and the temps right here by the big lake have nudged up into the seventies once, but by the time I got out of work the wind shifted, temps dropped fifteen degrees in an hour, and I missed it. Our norm right now seems to be 48 degrees.  BAH!  I want to plant flowers, I want to sit outside, I want to use my new grill!

In the last few years I have noticed that I get a little bearish in the mid winter months.  It's just to dark and cold and I want to hibernate.  This winter it was much worse, and honestly, I can't shake it.  My soul is yearning for the sun.  My mind keeps saying "I will feel better if the sun comes out.", and I do, when it does. 

When I headed out to the grocery store earlier today it was cold and dreary, but we were high and dry.  A drop of rain hit my cheek as I walked into the store, and when  emerged ten minutes later it had turned into a downpour.  I was soaked by the time I reached  the car, got the groceries in, and the cart put into it's holder.  My next errand was to get gas, but I drove home instead. 

I parked the car, shut it off, and then paused a moment when I heard the rain pinging on the roof.  It seemed like a long time since I had heard that sound.  I guess when I'm driving and the radio is on I don't pay any attention to it.  So I sat there listening, and was immediately transported back in time to the 1970's.  Laying in the Volare wagon in the way back with my brother, looking at the brown ceiling with all the dots, and listening to the rain hitting the roof as we drove on errands with my Mom.  Good times, good memories.  So I just sat in the car for awhile, listening.  I watched the rain slide down the windows, and contemplated the way it distorted everything I was looking at.  I wondered slightly if I was, in fact, losing my mind.

I'm fairly certain that's what my Aunt thought when her phone call shook me out of me reverie.  She wanted to place an AVON order, and I said.  "Well, I"m sitting in the car, listening to the rain, but I believe I have a paper and pen."  The "Ok, honey......" that I got in return was my clue.  I tried to reassure her with "It's o.k. it started to downpour and I thought I would wait it out." but I'm not thinking she bought it.

In the bigger scheme of things, I do realize that folks have much worse weather to contend with. I remember the people in Oklahoma in my prayers, which is about all I can do. I can't help thinking back to the flood of last June, and wonder if we are on the same slippery slope this year.  I sure hope not!

♫ Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain♫  I guess instead of planting flowers I'm going to dive into a new book.  Instead of grilling I will eat pizza, and if I get really bored there's laundry, or I could *gulp* clean.  Don't worry, I'm sure Words With Friends will distract me from that!  :)


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