Life Lessons


Friday, August 2, 2013


Happy 8th birthday Caitlin!!  The youngest Goover is now eight years old.  I just don't know where the time has gone.  This means I am now eight years behind in my scapbooking........
Tater and Hannah Goovering it up!

Auntie has some time off coming up, so we will be planning a goover birthday sleepover, complete with a trip to the library, some cousin time I'm sure, and various other adventures.  There will be brownie sundaes, and I believe she has picked taco's for dinner. I'm pretty sure we'll be learning some more fabulous songs too.

I see so much of my fearless self in this young one, it scares the heck ( I was going to write something else, but if she reads it I will owe her a quarter.) out of me.  When I had the girls at the library last week I had to leave them for a minute, and I was terrified Tater would wander off, just because I know from experience how distracted one can get, and what fabulous adventure surely awaits around the next bend, even if you were told not to move.

As the girls and I were approaching the library I realized that I had to pee. ( I really love being over forty.  It's great......) They are eight and nine years old, do I have to drag them in with me?  This is a really bad neighborhood.  It's the library for Pete's sake.  What better place to snatch a kid? Arg!  About 70 scenarios flew through my mind as we approached.  There was a fabulous exhibit in the entry area, where the bathroom is, and the girls ran right over to it.  Some women were having a meeting in a room adjacent, with the door open, so I thought it was time to trust the Goovs (for the first time with me) alone for a second.

"Hannah, I'm going to use the bathroom.  You stay right here with your sister.  If anything happens that you don't like go right into this room with the ladies, or holler.  I will be back in one minute."

Bending down to eye level, holding Tater's face, I looked deep into her mischievous eyes.  "Do not move.  Not one step.  I am not kidding.  If you aren't in this spot when I come out of the bathroom I will return your books, you will get no more, and we will go straight back to your house.  Do you understand me?"  Her eyes widened as I spoke. "Yes, I understand." was her quiet reply.

That was the fastest pee in history!  The girls were exactly where I left them, and I was met with a proud bright smiling Tater.  "I didn't move, not one step!"

Yes, the baby is eight years old, and she is still my wild, willful, wonderful girl.  I am so enjoying sharing my love of reading with her.  I had forgotten how nice it is to curl up with a kid(s) and a book.  I'm used to reading to fifteen at a time.  Her passion seems to run more along the lines of art, which is not my forte, but we talked about an "art supply" birthday present, because I am nothing if not encouraging of their passions, as long as it doesn't involve sitting in front of a computer.

Happy Birthday to our baby!  Thank you for reminding me how fun the world can be when you have a free spirit!  I love you to the moon and back, and around the block! ♥  Even if I'm going to be up half the night because it's your turn to sleep with me. ;)

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