Life Lessons


Thursday, September 26, 2013


It's driver's licence renewal time ladies and gents!  DMV stands for (seventh circle of hell) Department of Motor Vehicles.  If you aren't familiar with the good old USA, it's a form of torture that the government has devised that leaves no visible scars.  Yes, some of my readers are from other parts of the world.  I know!  I don't get it either, but I'm happy they are here.

These days I handle the yearly renewal fees for car registration online, so I can avoid the hassle of the DMV.  I haven't bought a new car in six years, so I guess that's the last time I was there.  Driver's licence are now on an eight year renewal system, and that's awesome!

My time, unfortunately, was up.  I turn 44 on Monday, and received my renewal notice from the DMV about a month ago.  I have been in avoidance ever since.  You see last time I barely squeaked by on the eye test they give.  I was shocked when he said I passed.  "You see well enough to drive."  Good enough for me.  I really don't have issues with reading or anything, I just know my right eye is a little weaker.  So my inner debate was: Go get my eyes checked, or take my chances.  Since money doesn't grow on trees, and I haven't noticed any difference in my eyes, I decided to take my chances.  This only took three weeks of deliberation. 

I was all set to go on Tuesday, and didn't.  So today I had no choice.  First off, the road to get there is still under construction, so it's already going to be a pain in the ass, and it was.  I knew I could get almost the entire way on Ogden Avenue, but then I was going to have to "go around".  Not around a block, it wasn't that simple.  At least I caught a glimpse of the building in the distance, so I was able to work my way on side streets til I got there, without getting turned around.  You have no idea how easy it is for me to get turned around.....

The parking lot wasn't to full (bonus!) so parked and headed in, still in a pretty good mood.  I noticed that they have changed hours, so now every day they are open during business hours.  Very convenient for those of you who work those hours every day. (sarcasm)  Don't you just want to spend your lunch (I hope you have an) hour at the DMV?

I take my number, which is 88, and have a seat.  I already printed off the paperwork from their website and filled it out, so I'm all ready to be told to go get glasses and try again.  The sign says, now serving 83.  Five away, that's not to bad.  Other folks start filtering in, it seems I arrived just in the nick of time!  It also appears that I have left my phone in the car, so I have nothing to do but sit and stare.  There is no muzak, there are no magazines.  There's nothing to look at on the wall, and the only person talking is the confused newer employee who can't figure her way through something.  I have no choice but to pay attention, none of us do.  So we all stare.

The newer employee ( I was glad to see they were both female, the guys at the DMV always creep me out.  I don't know why.) finally gave up, and that poor guy had to get in the other gals line up.  Newby started calling out numbers, and none of them were there, so it was MY turn!  Well, here goes nothing.  I handed her my stuff, and said "I promise not to be difficult, although you're probably going to tell me I can't pass the eye exam."  So she says, "Well, stick your face up there and give it a shot."  I press my little face up against the exam thing, and all the letters are clear, except that damn line farthest to the right.  I confidently rip off all the letters on the first three lines.  Then I burst out laughing.  I put my face back up there and just make up five random letters that they could be, still laughing.  The gal smiles and said.  "You passed."  I burst out laughing again and say "You have got to be kidding."  "Nope," she replied, "We are more concerned with the left eye.  You're just a little weaker on the right."  Then she checked my peripheral, which I saw just fine.

We waltzed on over to the picture spot, where I signed my name and made sure she noted I am an organ donor. (YOU SHOULD BE TOO.) I looked in the mirror, fluffed my bangs, and said "Yep, that'll pass."  I then stepped up to the blue curtain and stood on my mark, giving my best Ruthie smile into the camera.  No, I am not posting it. 

"Did I blink?" (I often do)

"We'll know in a minute."

I then happened to look to my right, and notice that the entire room of people, who had nothing better to do, were staring at me, watching the show.  I actually had to stop myself from taking a bow.  I looked back at the gal and said,  "You people really need to get some muzak in here.  Something else for folks to focus on."

Then we went back to the counter, where I forked over my $34 ( can you freaking believe that) to get my piece of paper that says I'm legal.  These days you get your actual licence in the mail, instead of right there on the spot.  I, for the record, did not opt for the new special licence that will soon be required.  In short, it is ridiculous.  If I get into that rant, we'll be here for awhile.

                           ♫ Happy Birthday to me,
                           Tho I'm still 43
                            I still don't need glasses
                            According to the DMV ♫          

Forty- three has been an interesting year.  That's all I have to say about that.  Forty- four? Well...... I can hear Bob Dylan singing in the back ground.  ♫ The times, they are a changin' ♫   I recently watched the movie "Life of Pi", and I realize that it's time to let the tiger go.  You will only get that if you watched (and understood) the movie.  The Brown Eyed Man was so eager for me to see it, and when it ended I looked at him and said. "I think I hate you, how could you make me watch that?"  After that I said nothing.  He talked, but I couldn't verbalize anything that I was feeling. (Yes, I really couldn't talk.)  It shook me all the way through, right to my core.  I felt like there was a huge rock just sitting on my heart.  He is eager to watch it again, but I don't think I ever will. 

So here's to being forty-four! (on Monday)  I've got my driver's licence, and I'm ready to roll! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Annual Rummage Sale

I almost titled this blog "The Annual Parade of Weirdos", and here's a pic of two of them trying to sneak up on us during the sale.  They were given away by to much giggling, and I crept around to get their picture, to prove we were on to them.

This year the only weirdos who passed through the garage were these two.
 I am disappointed that you can not clearly see the doll on suspect #2's head.  (light blue hat) It's crocheted toilet paper cover with a barbie on top.  I wonder if she knew that's what it was meant for before she stuck it on her head......

Suspect #1 is some sort of a gangsta.  See?
Dang, it doesn't show up well.  The black area between her jeans and jacket are shorts.  She was wearin' her pants low. (Gangsta)  Sandy Hughitt had to take the pics and send them to me, because right after I took the pic of them sneaking around my camera went haywire.  Coincidence???

I wish Sandy hadn't heard them giggling, because watching Suspect #2 come into the garage using a giant candy cane as a real cane, saying "Pretty kitty" over and over, was funny enough when I was expecting it.  Getting surprised by it would have been hilarious!

The day was otherwise uneventful.  We usually have a character or two stop by, but it was very quiet.  Good sales though, the best I've ever had.  I went through and did some serious purging so I had a lot on the tables.  Plus I have a few bigger items at home that are on their way out the door too.  Changes, they are a comin'........

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

School Days (part 2)

I guilted this out of her Mother. :)  Ah the old Catholic guilt. ( I'm impervious to it, by the way.  Vicki's Mom tried it on me a few weeks back.  I just looked at her and said, "Nice try.")

Cierra started her first full day of school today!  She went to "Smart Start" yesterday, brought in her school supplies, got her school pictures taken, met with the teachers, etc.  She plopped right down in her classroom and waved good- bye to her parents. (even though they weren't leaving her there)  I'm sure after this summer of being stuck at home she was glad to get rid of those yahoos! ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Days

Kids around here started back to school today!  It got me thinking about the first day of school when I was little.  I got to put on my green/blue plaid uniform, and skip off to the bus stop in my brand new mary janes.  Then I would walk back home two or three times to complain of a stomach ache, which my mother told me was just butterflies in my tummy. 

Every year Marge would pick us up at St. Anthony Church, and away we would go.  The bus arrived at seven, and St. Francis was only a few miles away, so we had plenty of playground time.  I wouldn't have seen most of the kids all summer long, so there would be lots of catching up to do.  Third grade was the only year we were a split grade, so for the most part the twenty five or so of us spent our entire 1-6 grade years together.

Sister Magda would be walking the perimeter of the playground until the principal that year would ring the bell for class to begin.  We would line up and file across the avenue into the old building to begin a brand new year.  Days like today I would sit there looking out the window at the leaves blowing on the trees and live for recess.  There would be a hot bus ride home, and then books to cover, and teachers to complain about.  Perhaps even some homework (that's just mean) to do.  Then off to the earlier bedtime.

My Mom always said she hated the school year schedule.  She much preferred having us home during the summer.  I'm not making that up either.  I think it was just that she hated making all those lunches. :)

The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo (6th grade)

Tater (3rd) Ash (12th) Hannah(4th)

CeCe started today too (3rd) but I don't have a pic. :(  Have a great school year ya goovers!! ♥