Life Lessons


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Days

Kids around here started back to school today!  It got me thinking about the first day of school when I was little.  I got to put on my green/blue plaid uniform, and skip off to the bus stop in my brand new mary janes.  Then I would walk back home two or three times to complain of a stomach ache, which my mother told me was just butterflies in my tummy. 

Every year Marge would pick us up at St. Anthony Church, and away we would go.  The bus arrived at seven, and St. Francis was only a few miles away, so we had plenty of playground time.  I wouldn't have seen most of the kids all summer long, so there would be lots of catching up to do.  Third grade was the only year we were a split grade, so for the most part the twenty five or so of us spent our entire 1-6 grade years together.

Sister Magda would be walking the perimeter of the playground until the principal that year would ring the bell for class to begin.  We would line up and file across the avenue into the old building to begin a brand new year.  Days like today I would sit there looking out the window at the leaves blowing on the trees and live for recess.  There would be a hot bus ride home, and then books to cover, and teachers to complain about.  Perhaps even some homework (that's just mean) to do.  Then off to the earlier bedtime.

My Mom always said she hated the school year schedule.  She much preferred having us home during the summer.  I'm not making that up either.  I think it was just that she hated making all those lunches. :)

The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo (6th grade)

Tater (3rd) Ash (12th) Hannah(4th)

CeCe started today too (3rd) but I don't have a pic. :(  Have a great school year ya goovers!! ♥

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