Life Lessons


Monday, September 23, 2013

The Annual Rummage Sale

I almost titled this blog "The Annual Parade of Weirdos", and here's a pic of two of them trying to sneak up on us during the sale.  They were given away by to much giggling, and I crept around to get their picture, to prove we were on to them.

This year the only weirdos who passed through the garage were these two.
 I am disappointed that you can not clearly see the doll on suspect #2's head.  (light blue hat) It's crocheted toilet paper cover with a barbie on top.  I wonder if she knew that's what it was meant for before she stuck it on her head......

Suspect #1 is some sort of a gangsta.  See?
Dang, it doesn't show up well.  The black area between her jeans and jacket are shorts.  She was wearin' her pants low. (Gangsta)  Sandy Hughitt had to take the pics and send them to me, because right after I took the pic of them sneaking around my camera went haywire.  Coincidence???

I wish Sandy hadn't heard them giggling, because watching Suspect #2 come into the garage using a giant candy cane as a real cane, saying "Pretty kitty" over and over, was funny enough when I was expecting it.  Getting surprised by it would have been hilarious!

The day was otherwise uneventful.  We usually have a character or two stop by, but it was very quiet.  Good sales though, the best I've ever had.  I went through and did some serious purging so I had a lot on the tables.  Plus I have a few bigger items at home that are on their way out the door too.  Changes, they are a comin'........

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