Life Lessons


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


At the end of every year I clean off my desk, and finish up bookkeeping for AVON.  One is a big job, one is not. (AVON)  Honestly, I have never cleared more than $200 in a year, and that was many years ago.  It's more of a hobby to me, because I want the discount.  I threaten every year to end it, but I can't stand the thought of paying full price for shower gel.  ( LOL)

I also write a wrap up blog on every New Year's Eve, so here we are.  It has been a fabulous year, but I'm anxious for 2015 to begin.  I have had a couple of idea's in the works for a bit, and I am determined that this is the year. (stay tuned)  I'm not one for resolutions, but I think this year mine would have to be, no more talk.  ACTION!

This year I have gone from making most decisions on my own, to being part of a team.  I won't lie and say it has been easy (for either of us), but it has been totally worth it.  I am looking forward to what 2015 will bring for me, The Brown Eyed Man, Milkie, and Jake B.

Scene from the country last night:

Me: Jacob, I love you........but you drive me nuts.


Me:  Seems to be a theme around here.

The Man:  You knew what you'd get when you turned at the mailbox.

I've got to give him that one!  I did, and I do.  When I turn at the mailbox I know what I will find.  Lots of love, laughter, snuggles, and irritation.  In short, a home and a family.  That is what 2014 has given to me, because I was brave enough to try.

I hope the New Year finds you happy and healthy!   Bring on 2015!!

*On a side note, per usual I do have a cold.  Although it is more irritating than anything, it never fails.

One last thought:  Negative people see negativity in everything around them.  Change your thoughts, and you change your world!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!  I'm sitting here typing, listening to "The Essential James Taylor" ( One of The Brown Eyed Mans gifts), stuffed full of breakfast casserole, ready to set up my new bird feeder, and cook on my new cast iron frying pan!  We've watched most of "A Christmas Story", and will be starting season one of "Supernatural" (another one of his gifts) later tonight.

This morning I woke up around five, and decided on my way back from the bathroom to put The Man's Reeses candy cane up into the tree.  While I was working at getting it in there safely I noticed a blue jay ornament that wasn't there before!  Oh, I love jays, how sweet!  Went back to bed with a smile on my face.

Jake woke me up at 8:30, and while I was making coffee, I noticed paint brushes in the sink, and a container with blue paint water in it.  What??  I went back into the living room and picked up the ornament to investigate.  Apparently it was originally a very ugly cardinal, and The Brown Eyed Man worked on it for a few hours after I went to bed last night, turning it into a beautiful jay!

Santa brought him a Packer ornament!  So now we have three new ones on the tree this year.  We got a new one from his Mom this past weekend when we celebrated with her.  His family got together lat night in Hudson, and that just wasn't possible for us to make. :(

I also got a new piece for my village, but that's a good Brown Eyed Man story, that I have permission to publish, so stay tuned!  I hope you are all having a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Looking forward to spending Christmas evening with my family in my childhood home.  I don't think it gets much better than that!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Spirit

This Christmas season has been a sad one for many of us.  I don't think a day goes by without someone telling me that they have lost a loved one, and I myself have lost a long time friend, and my Great Aunt Rita.  It doesn't take much for things like this to send us into a tailspin during the holidays, but I'm doing my best not to let that happen.  As my Mother used to say, "Life is for the living." and she was right.  Not just breathing, but actively participating in the activities around you. 

So the carols are on, the tree is up, sweet smells are wafting from the kitchen, and I have made the round of kids Christmas programs, to help keep me in the spirit of the season. I'm not forcing it either, I love the kids programs:  

First we have The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo playing the bells in the Cathedral School gym.  He did a nice job. (plaid shirt)

Next was Cece's concert at Bryant School, where some little heathen pulled the fire alarm. We all had a nice trip out into the cold, but at least they got to count it as a fire drill.  Cece didn't sing, but was pretty vocal during the performance.  Making many of us chuckle with her belly laughs.
Hannah (top row white shirt)

Then it was on to Lake Superior Elementary, for Hannah's last grade school Christmas concert.
Tater (Caitlin) had a solo performance, and did a really good job!  No fire alarms were pulled, and I got to purchase some lovely home made ornaments for my Christmas tree.  

I have always found that the key, for me anyway, is to do the most that you can.  There were years where breathing was all I could manage, and that's o.k. (for a little bit anyway) There are years where I have handled it all, and years like this one where I do what makes me happy.  Some days I listen to carols, some days I don't.  Children always lift my spirits, so I made an extra effort to make the programs.  I made the cookies that I like, resurrecting two old favorites, even though they have nuts and the kids wont like them.  (more for me) 

I guess the point is that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the Christmas season.  I will leave you with one of my very favorite quotes:

"Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering.  There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."  ~Leonard Cohen

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Village

When we were kids, well.........not that young actually, I was probably closer to 10, my Dad started painting ceramic pieces to create a village at Christmas time.  Every year it would get bigger, until there was hardly any more room on the breakfront in the dining room.  We didn't get to help set it up, and we certainly weren't allowed to touch it, but I enjoyed watching the process.

*side note*  I wrote this blog a couple of days ago, and can you believe I found a PICTURE of one of my Dad's village??  This is from Christmas 1989.

In my early 20's I started painting my own village pieces, and my village grew until at one point I had a three levels.  One was country, one was city, and one was a mountain ski hill scene.  I built a special shelf just to set it up on at Christmas time.  I didn't paint all of the pieces, just a couple from the country scene, and I do still use the barn.

With the changes in my life there were changes in the village. The only piece that was mine from the city scene was a Peppermint Porch Daycare, and I do still have that, but it doesn't fit with my currant village.  None of the mountain pieces were mine, so I lost that in the divorce.  I decided that I wanted all my pieces from then on to be country, and they are.

Peppermint Daycare on the left  2011

Not only are they country, but I bring my village out at the beginning of fall.  I have a fall/Halloween/Christmas village set up now!  Each season has different buildings, and accent pieces, but the barn I painted first, is always there.  I can't tell you how fun it is to add accents, and I think I have found a new larger piece to ask for from Santa this year.  I can't just have any old piece, one must be very choosy when it comes to the village.  (It's a sickness, I know.....)

I, however, am not stingy with my village.  The kids are, and always have been, welcome to touch. They will all fiddle a little bit, but Hannah is different.  She arranges, and re-arranges, the entire time she's at my house.  This past fall she got to pick out the Halloween accessories, and did a mighty fabulous job!  While she was setting them up she asked me to tell her other Aunts that for her birthday she wanted to start her own village.  While we were at Menard's picking out accent village pieces Hannah saw a lava lamp she wanted, and I had already purchased that.

I thought about it for about two minutes, and asked my sister if she wanted to give Hannah the lava lamp.  How could I not be the one to start her Christmas Village???  So that was all set, and after about two hours of online searching (sickness) I had the perfect set!

Hannah was so smug when she opened the lava lamp, I always tease the kids that I am psychic because I usually know what my gifts are.  Then she was puzzled when she saw the card, and it was from Kate, Tom, and CeCe.  I had kept the huge bag out in my car, so she was really confused, and then really delighted!  I heard that the coffee table was sacrificed shortly afterwards to hold the new village, even though it was only October.  (Apparently it's a sickness that is hereditary.)

Today I changed the fall village over to Christmas, and I thought of my Dad.  Even though he was a scrooge with his, I'm glad he passed down the "village gene" to me, and I am so happy that I have a Goover that I can share it with!!

Since starting this blog the other day not only did I find a picture of one village my Dad set up, but the Goovers asked for a sleepover this Saturday, so I will be taking them to Menard's so Hannah can pick out her Christmas present!  I'M SO EXCITED!