Life Lessons


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Spirit

This Christmas season has been a sad one for many of us.  I don't think a day goes by without someone telling me that they have lost a loved one, and I myself have lost a long time friend, and my Great Aunt Rita.  It doesn't take much for things like this to send us into a tailspin during the holidays, but I'm doing my best not to let that happen.  As my Mother used to say, "Life is for the living." and she was right.  Not just breathing, but actively participating in the activities around you. 

So the carols are on, the tree is up, sweet smells are wafting from the kitchen, and I have made the round of kids Christmas programs, to help keep me in the spirit of the season. I'm not forcing it either, I love the kids programs:  

First we have The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo playing the bells in the Cathedral School gym.  He did a nice job. (plaid shirt)

Next was Cece's concert at Bryant School, where some little heathen pulled the fire alarm. We all had a nice trip out into the cold, but at least they got to count it as a fire drill.  Cece didn't sing, but was pretty vocal during the performance.  Making many of us chuckle with her belly laughs.
Hannah (top row white shirt)

Then it was on to Lake Superior Elementary, for Hannah's last grade school Christmas concert.
Tater (Caitlin) had a solo performance, and did a really good job!  No fire alarms were pulled, and I got to purchase some lovely home made ornaments for my Christmas tree.  

I have always found that the key, for me anyway, is to do the most that you can.  There were years where breathing was all I could manage, and that's o.k. (for a little bit anyway) There are years where I have handled it all, and years like this one where I do what makes me happy.  Some days I listen to carols, some days I don't.  Children always lift my spirits, so I made an extra effort to make the programs.  I made the cookies that I like, resurrecting two old favorites, even though they have nuts and the kids wont like them.  (more for me) 

I guess the point is that there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the Christmas season.  I will leave you with one of my very favorite quotes:

"Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering.  There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."  ~Leonard Cohen

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