Life Lessons


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!  I'm sitting here typing, listening to "The Essential James Taylor" ( One of The Brown Eyed Mans gifts), stuffed full of breakfast casserole, ready to set up my new bird feeder, and cook on my new cast iron frying pan!  We've watched most of "A Christmas Story", and will be starting season one of "Supernatural" (another one of his gifts) later tonight.

This morning I woke up around five, and decided on my way back from the bathroom to put The Man's Reeses candy cane up into the tree.  While I was working at getting it in there safely I noticed a blue jay ornament that wasn't there before!  Oh, I love jays, how sweet!  Went back to bed with a smile on my face.

Jake woke me up at 8:30, and while I was making coffee, I noticed paint brushes in the sink, and a container with blue paint water in it.  What??  I went back into the living room and picked up the ornament to investigate.  Apparently it was originally a very ugly cardinal, and The Brown Eyed Man worked on it for a few hours after I went to bed last night, turning it into a beautiful jay!

Santa brought him a Packer ornament!  So now we have three new ones on the tree this year.  We got a new one from his Mom this past weekend when we celebrated with her.  His family got together lat night in Hudson, and that just wasn't possible for us to make. :(

I also got a new piece for my village, but that's a good Brown Eyed Man story, that I have permission to publish, so stay tuned!  I hope you are all having a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Looking forward to spending Christmas evening with my family in my childhood home.  I don't think it gets much better than that!

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