Life Lessons


Thursday, January 21, 2016


Last week I went to the doctor for a work physical.  That in itself is a whole story, but today we are going to discuss something else.  Our society's obsession with coloring hair.

I have written a few blogs about this in the past, but I can't find the links at the moment.  I have almost 500 posts now, so if the title doesn't give the topic away, forget it.  ;)

When I first started writing about this subject I still colored my hair, but knew a few women my age who decided to stop and just let nature take it's course.  My opinion at the time was (and still is) to each his own.

A few years later I decided to stop coloring mine, because it is a pain in the rear end.  I'm not paying someone fifty dollars to do it every six weeks when the color in the box at the store lasts just as long.  I'm not wasting an hour of my life every six weeks either.  So there you go.  I was also curious as to what my "real" hair color looked like after all this time.  Although the shade I colored it was pretty close to the shade I was born with.

My Mom was salt and pepper for most of my memories of her, and I remember things back to about the age of three.  She dyed her hair when Bumpy (David) went to Kindergarten, and it turned an awful orange color.  Her children asked her not to do that again, and she didn't.  It just wasn't Ruthie.  She would have been about the age I am now, and I suppose with all those young Mom's running around, you would rather look like a Mom than a Grandma.  If that's the case, then more power to you.  Whatever works for you, works for you.

It doesn't work for me.

That brings us to last Tuesday morning at the Superior Clinic.  I was registering, and the gal needed my drivers license.  She took a look at it and said "Wow, your hair is so much darker in this picture."  "That's because I stopped coloring it." I innocently replied.  There were three ladies who were all my age or older working in reception, and, as if on cue, their necks all snapped around to immediately gawk at me.

I just gave them my best Ruthie smile.  Step right up to see the freak of nature ladies........  Because I am me I almost told them to take a picture, and then chalked it up to their own insecurities and grinned a little wider.

Yes, my hair is gray.  Well technically it's brown, red, blond, and gray.  Mostly gray now, and incidentally the longest it has ever been.  We don't have to have a conversation about it every time I see you.  I am aware that it is gray, it's my choice.  You also don't have to explain to me why you color yours.  That's your choice, and I didn't even ask you anyway.  To each his own.  If I didn't like the way my hair looked I would do something about it.
Sledding fun with Jacob

Many of the girls I graduated with are Grandma's now, so I am of the age.  I did have someone ask me if "those are your Grandchildren", and I was offended.  Not because they were assuming it because of my hair color, but because the children in question are straight from hell.  They aren't my Goovers, or my preschoolers.  No kids of "mine" would behave that way in public. I was watching them for their Mother for a few minutes.

If the spirit moves me I shall cut all my hair and dye what's left of it pink.  Because I can.  That's what is great about being a woman in this day and age.  We have much more important things to worry about, at least I do.  I drove by an old church for sale today, and thought maybe I should buy it and start my own religion.  I probably laughed my grey head off for a mile after that.  ;)  I will call it "Our Lady of Gray".  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Goover Sliding Sleepover!

Tater at the top, Hannah at the bottom

Almost two weeks ago now the Goovs came over to slide down the big hill, and sleep over!  It was right before the cold snap hit, and the weather was perfect!  We also had a bon fire with all the boxes I had laying around here.  We tried several spots on the hill, and this one turned out to be the best.  The one the girls usually use can end in the creek, and it wasn't frozen over.  You could still see water running.  (that isn't the case anymore)

Jacob had to get in on the action too!  Along with Auntie.  I had a blast!

 After we were finished sliding, and burning things, we headed in to warm up, and the girls helped me start dinner.  Nachos, tacos, and hot chocolate.  Hannah got to grind a whole batch of coffee beans for me, because I bought the wrong bag. (again) That was a bonus for her, because she just loves to grind the beans.

Tater helped get the cheese ready for the nachos.  It's so nice to have helpers in the kitchen!  After dinner we all snuggled up and watched one of the Harry Potter movies.  Then the girls and I finished watching "Annie" before bed.  Uncle Brown Eyed Man isn't into musicals. ;)

The girls also got to set up several new bird feeders that  their Uncle won as a prize at our family Christmas party.  He  could have traded them, but he kept them so the Goovs could set up their own feeders at our house.  (big softy)

The Grinder
Tater: Uncle Leon knows everything, and anyone who doesn't think so is OBVIOUSLY wrong.

She knows where her bread is buttered.  ♥  Fun weekend!

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016! Resolutions and Red Rider

Happy New Year!  I started this blog last night, but wandered off somewhere in the middle. (shocker)

It's that time again!  I wasn't planning to make resolutions, because that really isn't how I roll.  Although it appears that last year I did, in a vague sort of way.

I don't really believe in resolutions, but I am proud of myself for keeping that one.  No more talk, ACTION.  There were things that needed to be removed from my life, and they are gone.  Halleluyer!

I got a keyboard from the brown eyed man for Christmas, so I have been busy fooling around with that.  It's nice to see that while my playing is a little rusty, I am picking up pretty much where I left off.  I resolve to spend more time with my music.

If you really know me, you know there was a time in my life where I would be easily reading three books at a time.  Now if I read once a week for a half hour, it's a miracle.  I resolve to add reading time back into my life.  

Then there is this sadly neglected blog.  I love to write, I have no excuse.  I resolve to be better.

You aren't going to believe what else I got for Christmas.........  Santa left me something at my brother David's house.  Here, I will show you.  Pardon my large posterior..................... thanks Ashlyn.......... and thanks Tom and Kate, for the gift!

The Brown Eyed Man also painted me another bird ornament this year!  He took a gold bird and turned it into a chickadee.  I love home made gifts!!

I told him that next year I want a cardinal!  :)  He thinks the tree is getting too full.  I assured him there were no worries, I still have my Mom's small tree in the closet.  I would love to have a tree dedicated to the birds/things he creates!  I don't really think that was the answer he wanted.  ;)

Tomorrow is the Goover Sledding Sleepover, so Christmas is still up at our house.  I usually take it down on New Years Day, but we'll go a few more.  I didn't put anything up til mid-December, so I'm not tired of it yet.  Most people don't understand that THIS is the Christmas season.  It begins on Christmas day, and goes for the next twelve.  You know, "Twelve Days of Christmas"?  It ends on Epiphany, when the Wise Men arrived to see the baby Jesus.  There's your Catechism lesson for the day.  You're welcome.

May you have a healthy and blessed 2016 from all of us on Miller Creek!