Life Lessons


Wednesday, December 31, 2014


At the end of every year I clean off my desk, and finish up bookkeeping for AVON.  One is a big job, one is not. (AVON)  Honestly, I have never cleared more than $200 in a year, and that was many years ago.  It's more of a hobby to me, because I want the discount.  I threaten every year to end it, but I can't stand the thought of paying full price for shower gel.  ( LOL)

I also write a wrap up blog on every New Year's Eve, so here we are.  It has been a fabulous year, but I'm anxious for 2015 to begin.  I have had a couple of idea's in the works for a bit, and I am determined that this is the year. (stay tuned)  I'm not one for resolutions, but I think this year mine would have to be, no more talk.  ACTION!

This year I have gone from making most decisions on my own, to being part of a team.  I won't lie and say it has been easy (for either of us), but it has been totally worth it.  I am looking forward to what 2015 will bring for me, The Brown Eyed Man, Milkie, and Jake B.

Scene from the country last night:

Me: Jacob, I love you........but you drive me nuts.


Me:  Seems to be a theme around here.

The Man:  You knew what you'd get when you turned at the mailbox.

I've got to give him that one!  I did, and I do.  When I turn at the mailbox I know what I will find.  Lots of love, laughter, snuggles, and irritation.  In short, a home and a family.  That is what 2014 has given to me, because I was brave enough to try.

I hope the New Year finds you happy and healthy!   Bring on 2015!!

*On a side note, per usual I do have a cold.  Although it is more irritating than anything, it never fails.

One last thought:  Negative people see negativity in everything around them.  Change your thoughts, and you change your world!!

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