Life Lessons


Friday, January 1, 2016

2016! Resolutions and Red Rider

Happy New Year!  I started this blog last night, but wandered off somewhere in the middle. (shocker)

It's that time again!  I wasn't planning to make resolutions, because that really isn't how I roll.  Although it appears that last year I did, in a vague sort of way.

I don't really believe in resolutions, but I am proud of myself for keeping that one.  No more talk, ACTION.  There were things that needed to be removed from my life, and they are gone.  Halleluyer!

I got a keyboard from the brown eyed man for Christmas, so I have been busy fooling around with that.  It's nice to see that while my playing is a little rusty, I am picking up pretty much where I left off.  I resolve to spend more time with my music.

If you really know me, you know there was a time in my life where I would be easily reading three books at a time.  Now if I read once a week for a half hour, it's a miracle.  I resolve to add reading time back into my life.  

Then there is this sadly neglected blog.  I love to write, I have no excuse.  I resolve to be better.

You aren't going to believe what else I got for Christmas.........  Santa left me something at my brother David's house.  Here, I will show you.  Pardon my large posterior..................... thanks Ashlyn.......... and thanks Tom and Kate, for the gift!

The Brown Eyed Man also painted me another bird ornament this year!  He took a gold bird and turned it into a chickadee.  I love home made gifts!!

I told him that next year I want a cardinal!  :)  He thinks the tree is getting too full.  I assured him there were no worries, I still have my Mom's small tree in the closet.  I would love to have a tree dedicated to the birds/things he creates!  I don't really think that was the answer he wanted.  ;)

Tomorrow is the Goover Sledding Sleepover, so Christmas is still up at our house.  I usually take it down on New Years Day, but we'll go a few more.  I didn't put anything up til mid-December, so I'm not tired of it yet.  Most people don't understand that THIS is the Christmas season.  It begins on Christmas day, and goes for the next twelve.  You know, "Twelve Days of Christmas"?  It ends on Epiphany, when the Wise Men arrived to see the baby Jesus.  There's your Catechism lesson for the day.  You're welcome.

May you have a healthy and blessed 2016 from all of us on Miller Creek!

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