Life Lessons


Friday, January 6, 2017

Just Between You and Me

Well has been awhile!  Life has been busy, and I guess I just haven't felt the urge to write, until tonight.  Things are good.  It's damn cold, but all of us on Miller Creek are doing just fine.

On my way home from work tonight I flipped the radio station, and the mellow sound of April Wine came floating out of the speakers.  The song was "Just Between You and Me,"  and it brought an immediate smile to my face.  Suddenly there I was, back in seventh grade, standing in the hallway at Cathedral Junior High, and Rick was telling me that this was "our" song.  I had never heard it, but hey.......OK?

Rick was my very first official boyfriend.  It might have lasted all of a month, probably not even that long.  I remember talking to him on the phone around Thanksgiving, and he asked me to the Christmas dance.  By Christmas he was history.  "Going together" basically consisted of talking on the phone, walking in the halls together at school, writing corny notes to each other, and attending dances, or other school functions together.  I was all of twelve years old.

By the time the song ended on the radio there were tears streaming down my face, and they are threatening again now.  Why?  Certainly not because of Rick.  :)  Although I do miss that annoying man. We did try to date in our twenties, but he and I are just like oil and water.  Good friends who were better off keeping it that way.

Thinking of him led me down the path to everything else that was going on during that time frame.  My home, my family, my friends.  So many people who are gone now.  You can't go home again, but when you have a memory as vivid and accurate as mine you certainly can visit for awhile.  In fact, you have to be careful not to set up camp.

"Going with" Rick led me to meeting some of the best friends of my life.  It was a bathroom break before Spanish, and I heard a voice I did not recognize yapping about me!  I exited the stall ready to rumble.

"I don't know who this chick is that's going with Rick, but I want to talk to her." was the part I heard.

I walked up to this curly red haired girl, who was much taller than me, and said "That would be me, can I help you?"

"I just want to ask you one question." was the reply.  "WHY?"

I just stood there for a minute, and realizing that I had no answer I just spit out, "I don't know."  We laughed our heads off, and went our separate ways.  She to whatever class she had next, and I went off to Espanol with Senora Mellesmoen, where I returned the necklace Rick gave me and broke his little Republican (that's why we don't mix) heart.

The curly red haired girl is Mary.  I don't really recall how we all meshed together after that, but she and her friend Kelli and me and my friend Vicki became fast friends, and stayed close all through junior high.

When I look back those are the bonds that matter.  Those are the times that I miss.  The time before boys.  Oh, we were all boy crazy, and there were plenty of boys added to our group, but there was a time of maybe a year before that happened.  A time when we were just the girls, and just between you and me........... it was fabulous.   ♥

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