Life Lessons


Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Corner

Good Saturday morning!  The Corner has undergone some construction, and hopefully I will come and sit here a while with you more frequently.  It isn't that I haven't had things to say, or misadventures to share, life is just busy.  Writing seems to be more of a therapy for me than anything, and I guess I haven't needed the "couch" in awhile.

I have also toyed with changing the blog for quite some time.  The look of it, the name of it, the content.........but the only thing changing (maybe) is the look.  I can't change anything else, because it's me.  Yes, my life is totally different from six (or seven) years ago when I began writing, but who I am hasn't changed all that much.

Everyone is well, the nieces and nephew are all off enjoying the summer.  The Brown Eyed Man still drives me bonkers, and Jake and Milkie are good.  We are thinking about ( have been talking about it for like a year now) adding a new baby to the mix.  The right puppy or kitty just hasn't come along yet.  That will be something to write about for sure, because  Milkie isn't going to be thrilled, and every time Jacob hears us talking about it he leaves the room.  The Brown Eyed Man really wants one. I, for the most part,do not.  More fun for him, more work for me is kind of how I see it.  Stay tuned!

Disclaimer:  The garden picture to the right is NOT from this year.  The perennials are more mature so they are bigger.  The weeds are too.  The front part where I put the annuals has been hit hard by bear and chipmunks.  I'm thinking about hitting the sales next week and replanting.  The lower garden has been mostly neglected, due to plantar fasciitis on my right foot.  Today is my "suck it up" day, and I'm going to try and get in there.  The thistle are almost as tall as me.  I'm this close to letting the whole thing go to the day lilies.   :)


  1. As you were talking about your flowers this year, I have to tell you that I have been telling people about your garden. Now, remember where I lived when I was growing up. In the city part of Superior. We didn't have bears there. I live in a tiny town now, and there was a bear that wondered through town last year. But, normally, we do not have them in our backyard every night. When I saw those pictures, I was freaked out!! And the weird thing is, we go camping at the State Parks all the time, so I am not afraid of nature, but that just seemed too close. Anyway, just wanted you to know, I had been thinking about you and your bird feeder troubles. Have a great weekend! Cara

  2. oops, wandered, not wondered through town.
