Life Lessons


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Henry the Eighth

Today as I was wandering up and around the family tree I landed on a Great Uncle who lost his head to Henry the Eighth.  My reaction?  "He was probably a jerk." It seems that if I come across a well known male in my tree, that it the case, and it was.  My 15x Great Uncle, Sir Richard Empson, served King Henry the Seventh. He carried out his financial policies, basically making him a tax collector.  He did well for himself, and for the King, but he was very unpopular with the other Nobles. 

When King Henry the Eighth took over things, one of his first acts was to charge Richard with "Constructive Treason", and send him to be beheaded.  Well.......ok.

What most of you don't know about me is that I was obsessed with Henry the 8th.  I've read numerous books about his wives, anything I could get my hands on.  I love the series. "The Tudors".  I wrote this blog several years ago:

In it, I wonder why I relate to his wife Katherine Parr so much.

Well, when I read about Henry lopping off my cousins head I wondered if I could connect myself to any of his wives?  I can, and it's Katherine.  She is my  3rd cousin, 13 times removed.  Of all the special connections I have found, this touches me the most. 

I had a situation the other day, and I sought to diffuse it with silence.  Suddenly I straightened my spine and in my head I told myself, "Enough! You are descended from Kings!" and I said my piece, which did more good than being quiet would have.  This journey is amazing, and I feel like it's helping center me back to who I am. 

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