Life Lessons


Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Few Of My Favorite Things! (That are 50)

The year 1969 was a pretty big deal.  The USA put a man on the moon!  I have no personal memory of this, as I wasn't around yet, but I've watched it on news programs quite a few times over the years. Thinking back to the lack of technology in the 70's, I can't even imagine the awe one would feel watching a man walk on the moon. There was also a small gathering called Woodstock, but again, I wasn't born, so I have only second hand knowledge.

The things I do know, and love, that turn 50 this year:

First and foremost, Sesame Street!  I grew up on Sesame, then it continued to be on in the house for my younger siblings. In my teens I watched it while I babysat, then during my first full time job as a nanny, and sometimes during my earlier childcare teaching years.  This past summer, while working as a PCA for my niece Cece I got to enjoy it all over again!  Although now it isn't on PBS, it's on HBO, and that's sad.  Every child should have the opportunity to grow up with this wonderful, educational program!

Speaking of Sesame, PBS itself was created in 1969.  Mr. Rogers Neighborhood (my other childhood favorite), and Masterpiece Theatre were two of the first programs.  Masterpiece is still going strong today!  Love me some Downton Abbey. 

The Brady Bunch turns 50 this year, and although by the time I was old enough to watch the show it was in re-runs, I enjoyed watching them over and over.  Peter was such a hottie!  Scooby Doo is another childhood favorite, and they were also created in 1969. 

Nutter Butters, one of my favorite cookies to dunk, and treat to share with Cece, turn 50 this year, so do FunYuns, and Fla-Vor-Ice.  They are two of my childhood favorites, and there are usually Fla-Vor-Ice (freezies) in my freezer for the kids, or the kids at heart who live here.  Blue or pink are my personal favorites. 

I love reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to the kids in my care, and I had no idea it was written in 1969.  I guess I assumed it was newer, because I hadn't read it during my childhood, and we had a pretty big library in our house.  I've been reading it to preschool/toddler classes since 1989.

One of my favorite sing-a-long songs was written in 1969.  "Sweet Caroline" (BA-BA-BA) by Neil Diamond.  If you didn't sing the BA-BA-BA part, we can't be friends.

Some of my favorite people were born in 1969, and I have spent my entire life growing up with many of them.  There's a core group that has gone all the way from K-12, and I am blessed to say that we are still friends to this day. Facebook helps a lot with that.

 I spent the day yesterday at my childhood home (Thank you to my brother Jerry and his wife Jenny!) having a family birthday party, that had the exact format, menu and music that my parents would have thrown for each of our birthdays in the 70's.  I miss my folks all the time, but especially right now, as I, myself, turn 50.  It's the only thing that snags me up a little bit about hitting this decade.The people who are not here with me.  Otherwise, I intend to rock it!

To me growing older means gaining wisdom, and a sense of understanding about life, and I'm all about that. I've made enough mistakes to make smarter choices, so here's hoping I will continue to do so. (You never can tell......) 

So here's to 50!  Life is what you make it, and I intend to continue to fill mine with friends, family, love, and laughter!

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