Life Lessons


Saturday, April 2, 2022

People Who (Don't) Need People

Saturday is usually a work day for me. If I'm not in town with Cece, then I'm at home cleaning, creating, and soon I'll be back to yard work and gardening. It is not a day where I run errands, and today was a big reminder why not! 

The Brown Eyed Man belongs to the hall of fame committee for the local dirt racing track, and he had a 2pm meeting today. I wasn't on schedule for Cierra, so I thought I'd go to town too and we'd make an afternoon of it. It's not actually something we do often. Work schedules usually don't match up, and when we're home for the weekend, we're home. All errands in town accomplished beforehand. 

There's a car show today at the bowling alley where his meeting is taking place, and since I've never been to one I thought, why not? Well, ice was literally falling from the sky when we drove up, so that's why not! I dropped him off and headed my merry way down the road to the Walmart. The only choice in town for any kind of home goods. 

I was looking forward to some leisurely shopping, browsing the aisles for things I didn't know I needed, and then off to Aldi, which is my favorite, for the rest. Holy hell. I forgot why I stopped shopping on the weekend! You can't lollygag when the aisles are full. I didn't like groups of people BEFORE covid. I'm certainly not thrilled by them now. 

So I finished up too soon, and now I'm sitting in the parking lot waiting for the meeting to end, because the lot is full and I would rather my own company than the crush and noise of going inside! 

The sky is partly cloudy now, so maybe we'll walk around and see the cars when he's done. We're for sure going to Shamrock for pizza, no matter how "peopley" it is!  

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