I grew up watching my Mom, her sister in law Aunt Dorothy, and my Paternal Grandmother crochet. Grandma made us beautiful blankets for our twin beds, and Mom made us ponchos and a ripple afghan that was on our couch for years. My Aunt made me a couch cover when I got married, and she made "Piggy" whom my brother Jerry (54) still has. I know they made many more things, but these are the few I remember.
I asked my Mom to teach me to crochet, and I learned how to do a chain, but that's about it. She claimed she didn't have the patience to teach me. (She had been a nun, and a teacher, so add that one to my therapy list.) I believe my Aunt taught me how to single crochet, and I made a little outfit for a stuffed toy. When I worked as a childcare teacher in my early twenties another teacher used to crochet at nap time. She taught me enough to make a shell stitch baby blanket. All new babies in my life for the next ten years received one of those! I also made the blanket that still is on my bed today (30 years later) with the mile a minute pattern.
That was the extent of my adventures in hooking, until the pandemic hit in 2020. I began teaching myself other stitches, and creating lapghans that I would randomly give to people. I also did several afghans. In 2023 I learned to do amigurumi, (stuffed animals etc) more specifically gnomes, and I've probably made over 50. I have even designed a few of my own that were Star Wars themed.
I always have at least three projects going. I just love to create, and see what I can come up with! I can't share a picture of my most impressive project to date, because it's a Christmas present for my two year old Great Nephew. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't find a pattern, so I figured it out myself by following a picture on a graph. I started over no less than 5 times, but the final result is worth it!
I am currently working on a sweater for my niece for Christmas, and for some reason I put the hook through the high bun that is in my hair to hold it for a minute. Three hours later, I got up from a chair on the porch and heard a metal clinking noise as something hit the deck. I couldn't imagine what happened. Yes, the hook had fallen out. I didn't believe it! How had it stayed that long? While it was in my hair I had cooked and cleaned for a Christmas gathering, walked all over the yard with the dogs, including way down to the mailbox, and somehow I didn't lose it! If I had, I never would have remembered that the hook had been in my bun in the first place, and I would have lost my marbles tearing this place apart looking for it. Then the drama of remembering what size it was and scrambling to see if I have another. My niece is coming next weekend, and I am no where near done. 🙃 Whew!
My first adult sweater! The one I'm working on is the same, but in in greens, and I basically have a vest at the moment. Time to get hooking!!
Be Who You Are!
Auntie Jo
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