Life Lessons


Monday, October 18, 2010

My Boy

~Pepper June 27,1993 - October 7,2010

I knew this blog was coming, but we always think we have more time. It has taken me almost two weeks to sit down and write this, to write anything at all for that matter. I have known great loss in my life, and no, losing a pet does not compare to those, but for me this is the first pet of my own that I have had to put down. To say it was hard is an understatement. I had no choice, but that didn't make it any easier either. If you've seen the movie Marley and Me, that is about the way it went. The gap left behind is immense. Thanks to my poor sister, who came and got us and then spent the rest of the morning hanging out with me. That's the second family pet she has helped to the other side in a month, and hopefully the last for a long time!

Pepper was not my first cat of choice, but he quickly became first in my heart. I had picked Misty out of a litter shortly after she was born. When I went to visit her two weeks later she bit me on the ankle and ran off. So I sat down on Leanne's couch, rather disheartened, when this little multi-colored brown puff ball came marching across the floor. He jumped up onto the couch, climbed onto my lap, then up higher, and went to sleep snuggled on my shoulder. It was love. I no longer wanted Misty, but wanted to take Pepper instead. In the end I took them both so they would be company for each other. You see, I'm more of a dog person, but my life at the time didn't really work for having a dog. With cats you don't have to be there all the time, just make sure there's plenty of food and water and you're good to go! I knew nothing about kittens, and learned as we went along. It was an interesting, crazy ride to be sure! Most of those are Misty stories, Pepper was always a good boy.

Misty and Pepper were 17 last June. I honestly never thought I'd have him that long with the health problems he had early on. I like to call him the million dollar cat, and his passing left a typically large bill behind. It also left a devastated human, a sister who hopefully will not have to go back on "crazy kitty" meds, a dog pal who looks at me so sadly it breaks my heart, and Leon who is now surrounded by girls. The first few days were rough, but we seem to be settling in to a new routine.

I brought his ashes home last Thursday, a week after he was put down. Honestly, I felt much better having him here again. Misty, who had avoided their chair finally curled up in her spot that night. Probably a coincidence, but we both seem more settled.

Most peoples immediate reaction was "Oh you'll have to get another kitty for Misty." Yeah, that's not in the plan. May I restate that I'm not a cat person? I love MY cats. Even Leon's cat, the infamous "Got Milk" *yes that is her name, no we did not name her, we call her Milky* doesn't really appeal to me. I pet her, feed her, etc and she snuggles with me at night when I'm there, but I have no real attachment to her. Sam, his dog, is a very different story. We have been bonded since the moment I met her. I think Misty and I would do well with a puppy if my life were in a little bit different place. We'll see how it goes.

Last Valentine's Day on Facebook people were posting about their valentine. The above pic is the picture I used, and this is the post that I wrote. (when I get the pic to post that is!)

This is Pepper. HE is my "other". I met him at a friends house one summer day. He was only three weeks old. We have been together for 16 1/2 years. He has been with me through most of my adult life..... marriage, divorce, the deaths of so many loved ones. No matter what, he's always waiting for me at the door when I get home, and can and does actually say "mama". He is the BEST boy I know

Rest in peace my sweet boy. Mama loves you and misses you so much! You will always have a very special place in my heart.

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