Life Lessons


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


That's me when I was one year old. (My Mom always hated this pic, but I love it! Look how happy I am! ) Now, I'm forty and fabulous!! Most days I even really feel that way. If I had to pick an age and stay that old forever, I'm pretty sure forty would be it.

The road I have traveled in this life has been particularly bumpy, but the scenery is always interesting. I have been blessed with a very close family, and a few close real friends. I have known great loves, and great loss. I have experienced joy so profound I thought my heart would burst, and sorrow so deep my heart should be broken to bits. It isn't though, because I am a survivor.

The wrong turns I have taken, the pot holes I've tumbled into, and the flat tires I've had are too numerous to mention. I firmly believe that for the most part I have made the best decisions for myself at any particular time, with the information I had available to me at that time. I certainly learn from my mistakes and I seldom come even close to repeating them. It's much more fun and exciting to make new ones!

I think the most important part of this particular age for me is that I am content. I don't want more than I have, or have more than I need. My "Cuppa Joe" asked me the other day if I was happy. Well, that really wasn't the day to ask me that particular question. So with a big sigh I said. NO Then I paused and said, but you know what? I am content. Even though there is a storm of uncertainty surrounding me, I am still content. No one is happy all the time, and if they tell you they are, they're lying. I would say I'm happy 75 % of the time, and I don't think that's too darn bad.

This is the last night that I get to be forty. Tomorrow at 8:20 am I will be *gulp* 41. One tick closer to 50 and fabulous, which is what I intend to be!!

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