Life Lessons


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catch up

Just a re-cap of what's going on in my life.

Topic: HILLBILLY NEIGHBORS Several U - Hauls have been spotted in the front yard of my neighbors house, so they should be finished up with the move soon! I keep waiting for one last hootenanny in the back yard, but so far so good. I'm not sure if the house has sold, the hillbillies moved the sign to drive the trucks right up to the front door, so it's leaning up against the fence.

Topic: HAPPY HOUR I believe it has been decided unanimously to move our group to "C's" for Friday night happy hour. The food and service are both fabulous! They also aired the place out really well, so there's no stale smoke smell. If we want to wander over to the Shack for their 6pm specials afterwords that will be fine too. No one will be starving at least. :) We probably will, because Lisa is "seeing" the manager. So until that tanks and we can't go there anymore...... that man actually referred to us as the "mafia". As in, does the Mafia like me? ( I want to be a hit man, and the jury is still out on the liking part)

Topic: FAMILY They are all doing well. The girls came over for a bit on Sunday while their Dad hooked up my computer. He had taken it with him on Friday night to fix a problem I was having. Have I mentioned that "Bumpy" is the best brother in the whole world??? Anyway, the girls painted some leaves for me to decorate the walls with, and we had some very interesting conversation, provided by Tater. " I broke up with my boyfriend because he was cheating on me. I caught him kissing another girl." I never in my life thought I would have the "We are better off without boys like that" speech with a FIVE year old. Then she immediately switched to a convo about her BFF, and I could see that she was over the little cretin who cheated. Hannah apparently still has her three boyfriends, and Ashlyn (the smart one) is enjoying High School. I really need to set a date for our Wizard of Oz sleepover!

Topic: WORK I need to get serious about exploring a couple of options. Starting next week I go back on the closing schedule and will be working 10-6 every Thursday....except I'm off next Thurs (hahaha) to celebrate my bday, so I guess it really starts the week after. I don't really mind, coming in at 10 shaves two hours off of the toddler portion of my work day. We are also more than likely going to be forced into a half or an hour long lunch break so they can work us later and cover the end of the day staffing issues. Once upon a time I had a PAID 45 minute lunch break from these people.........

Topic: ME I should have just called this topic sanity, or perhaps INSANITY would be a better choice of word. I'm settling into my new work routine, although I by no means have resigned myself to it. As far as my personal life, things have been kind of rocky. A lot less settled than I would like. Possibly on an upswing, but with my brown eyed man I can never quite tell. Stay tuned. :) Next week I am turning 41. I'm not feeling as good about that as I did when I turned 40, but I still am loving this age. Wise enough to not make the stupider mistakes and young enough to still enjoy the ones I do!

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