Life Lessons


Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Sweet Hurricane

The middle goover girl turns seven tomorrow! She was dubbed loco porquito after an adorable picture was taken of her as a baby with a little stuffed pig on her head. (I'd love to show you if this site would let me post a picture. grrrrrrr) Her older sister even made up a song about her. ♫ Rojo diablo (that's a nickname I had for baby Ashlyn, it means red devil) riding through the west, with her side kick Loco Porquito, the crazy little pig! ♫ Elise heard her singing it in the tub one night. She must have been about the age Hannah is now.

Hannah also earned another nickname early on. HURRICANE HANNAH! She was a bundle of energy for sure. As much as Ashlyn was Kate's baby, Hannah was mine. I am also her very proud God Mother. The day she was born was one of the happiest in my life, I still can feel the excitement as we raced up to the hospital to meet her. It had been six years since our family had a new baby to love. She cried the entire time we were there, and most of the times that I held her for the next year. I was begining to get a complex. Then a little bit after she turned one she decided I wasn't so bad after all, and we became great pals.

I used to sing ♫ Hannah Noelle, straight from..... Albiquerque! Ashlyn was amazed to find out that really is the name of a city in New Mexico. Hannah gave herself the cutest nickname. About three years ago if you asked her name she would say Hannah Oh Well instead of Noelle.

Hannah was the apple juice Nazi. Even before she was two years old she demanded a continuous supply of it in her sippie cup. Woah to you if you ran out. When Caitlin was born I watched the other two for a few days while Elise was in the hospital. Hannah and I went to pick up Ashlyn at vacation bible school and were going to stay for a program, and I forgot the apple juice. I know, I'm a professional. How could I forget the juice? We were just about there and I hear this little voice from the back seat questioning me. Appo Juice???? Ahhh crap! I really am a professional, and there was a fun program to watch, so I did avoid the temper tantrum. We also have very cute pictures of her joining in a dance number during the program. I couldn't keep a hold of her, she was not to be denied! A year or so later she discovered "Shocki Miwk" and it was just as bad. It's a wonder that girls baby teeth survived! lol

Hannah's was a pea pod for her first Halloween, and she cried. Well, she was only a few days old, and of course I was holding her. Her second Halloween she was Winnie the Pooh. I had been trying to get her to say my name for months, but apparently she knew how important it was to me, so she wouldn't. On Halloween I gave her a plastic pumpkin....full of little containers of.... appo juice! She sighed with delight and said JO! I was filled with equal mix of elation and irritation. :) Her third Halloween she was a cat. She came racing out of the dark onto the front deck yelling "I comin' Jo! I comin' !" and jumped into my waiting arms. After that, something changed. I am going to blame it on middle child syndrome. With the coming of the new baby, we came to the eye of the hurricane. She no longer was my snuggle baby who jumped into my arms. She would never kiss me hello, or good-bye. Going so far as to hide in a cupboard once. She used to jabber at me all the time on the phone, now she refused to even take the phone when I called. She became somewhat calmer, and much shyer. This went on for four years.

During the last year when she arrived she would shyly hug me, and when she left she would offer a cheek for me to kiss. A few weeks ago she arrived with the rest of the goovers to visit while her Dad did some computer work for me. I walked out to the front porch while they filed out of the car. Hannah checked for traffic, and then came running full board across the street, up the stairs, and into my arms. I almost sobbed with joy. I saw her again at my birthday party two weeks ago and she walked right in with a "I missed you Aunt Joanie!" and a hug.

Happy Birthday my sweet hurricane! You started out wild as the wind, but have settled into a shyer breeze. It is so fun to watch you learn and grow, and I am so happy and blessed to be a part of your life! My arms and heart are always open! Love you baby ♥ Auntie Jo

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