Life Lessons


Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Cookies

Friday was the annual Goover Christmas Sleepover, complete with a bit of holiday baking.  I was able to get the afternoon off, so went over to the girls elementary school for their Christmas program.  To say that the event was shadowed by the massacre of the school children in Connecticut is definitely an understatement.  The kids were oblivious and joyous, but the audience was full of teary eyed people.

As a former teacher my heart goes out to the teachers at the school in Newhope.  I totally get it.  There isn't one of us who wouldn't do absolutely anything to keep those in our care safe.  God Bless them.  The parents and children are definitely in my prayers, because that's about all we can do.  Things in this country need to change, but that's not today's blog.

Hannah's class was up first.  She is in the white in the middle.  She said she was scared, and I believe it.   She isn't the performer in her family.

Caitlin is in the pink........ she is not shy. :)

After the program we packed up the car and headed back to the apartment to meet Miss Ashlyn.  The little Goovers and I started in on some snicker doodles.
The girls were very helpful, until the third batch was ready to roll.  Thank goodness Ashlyn had arrived, because I totally lost the little Goovers to the un -decorating of my house.  They love to play with the village, and all of the nicknacks, and nothing is off limits at Auntie's as long as they are careful.  That has worked out well so far, except for having to totally redecorate after they leave. :)  These two can trash the joint with amazing speed!
The little ones had nothing really to do with the pb cracker cookies.  They just wanted to be in the picture. :)  Ash did a good job, and it was nice to have some big girl conversation while we worked.

After some hot dog hotdish we snuggled up to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and then there were some other random specials on while we enjoyed our snacks and hot cocoa.  The Goovers made a fort, but Milkie went in and claimed it.  She sat on one of the chairs and growled at them every time they tried to go in.  I told them to just ignore her, but they didn't trust her (smart kids) so we cleaned that up and headed of to bed.

I tucked them in and kissed them goodnight, went back out to the living room and kissed the oldest one goodnight, leaving her to watch things unfolding on the news, with a "If it gets to be too much, turn it off and come and snuggle up with us and A Christmas Story."  We drifted off to Ralphie, the last thing I remember was "Fudge", then I was waking up to static.  I wandered out and turned the TV off in the living room, sneaking another kiss onto the oldest one's forehead, knowing full well this could be the very last Goover Christmas Sleepover for her, as she not so kindly reminded me, she'll be off to college soon enough.

The morning brought bacon and mickey mouse pancakes, what else?  A little playtime, a little UNO, and then Ashlyn drove her sister's to bowling.  I didn't even have to get out of my jammies!  Sometimes it's nice that she's growing up.

They all got extra tight hugs as they walked out of my door........ they know they are loved, and that's the most important thing.

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