Life Lessons


Friday, December 21, 2012

End of Days

Well...... it's 12:30 p.m. CST and we're still here.  I was hoping for Zombies, but no such luck.  Well, of course I was hoping that it wouldn't happen at all, but if it has to happen, I believe Zombies are the way to go.  If you have to die, it might as well be interesting!  Something to give you a little street cred when you pass through the pearly gates....... or any other kind of gates.

So I thought to myself in the middle of the kaos that this day turned into, what if this were it?  What if yesterday was your last full day on this earth?  Well first of all, if I knew it was going to be, I wouldn't be at work.  That's a given. 

I try really hard to not leave things undone or unsaid.  Life has been a harsh teacher with that lesson.  My family and friends all know how I feel.  Have I accomplished everything I set out to?  Well, not quite, there are still some places I would like to visit, and things I would like to experience, but I wouldn't have any huge regrets.

If this day has "The End" stamped on it, I would feel pretty good about the way I have lived my life, and the way it's shaping up.  I hope it doesn't though, I have to see how this season of American Horror Story plays out, and it's only a few weeks before season three of Downton Abbey!  :) 

Plus, well you know.  Ack..... I'm not supposed to write about it.  Hmmm...... I will just say that I love my life, the one we are building together.  It's taken awhile to get here, and nothing short of an apocalypse would pull me away.

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