Life Lessons


Friday, July 5, 2013


Eight years ago today I wrote my first rent check for my current apartment.  Apparently the place that was supposed to hold me during my transition phase, somehow became my permanent dwelling. 

Knowing it really has been that long is kind of nagging at me these days.  Am I still in transition? (No.) So I have transitioned into an apartment dweller, and am comfortable shelling out this kind of money for something I have no stake in? (No.) Then what???  (Sigh....)  I'm just still working toward a fuzzy goal, and I'm not willing to settle for something less than I have.  That I do know.  My apartment is a very cozy (although between the neighbors and the landlord very annoying) haven, and even a lateral move at this point isn't likely.  I have looked through apartment listings many times over these eight years, and I have never even found another one to look at.  Until Milkie and I are "movin' on up" we aren't moving. 

A Mobile home would be the affordable option, but financing requires 30% down.  Now I ask you, if I had that, why would I buy a mobile home?  I've already owned two older models and I am not going to play that losing game again.  The right deal would have to come along, on a newer model, for that to be an option. 

My BFF Sandy Hughitt (not her real name) works in mortgages for my financial institution.  We have been having some good discussions, and I do have a plan in motion to get myself set.  It's just a very slow process.

For now I will keep shelling out the rent. If you've ever been to my "house" you know that it suits me, and it's comfy.  I'm going to try to stop thinking about it, and just keep plodding forward, because life is what you make it. ;) As far as being in transition other than housing issues, I am so far beyond the person I was that day, I barely recognize myself! (and that my friends, is a very GOOD thing)

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