Life Lessons


Friday, July 26, 2013

The Library

This past Spring Tater's Mom and I were having a talk about her (Tater's) reading skills.  It doesn't come easily for the littlest Goover, and frankly, she's not interested.  While talking with her Mom I remembered that I too had a very difficult time with reading, until I hit about fourth grade.  Once I caught the bug, until about five years ago,  I was always deep in the middle of some novel.  I can not fathom a child who "hates" to read.  I really had totally forgotten how much I disliked reading when I was her age, so I guess that offers some hope.  Attitude wise, we are quite similar.

Earlier this summer I asked their Mom to bring the Goovers to meet me at the library here in town, so she could procure library cards for them.  It was totally worth it, to see their wide eyes, and hear "What is this place?" from Tater.  The girls had to sign their own names, I gave them a special bag for their books, and they handle the whole process themselves.  Plus, it's Auntie time. ;)  This whole adventure is, and was,  a total ploy to get Tater to enjoy reading more.  Hannah is in on it, and it's cute to watch her help Tater sound things out.

I haunted the East End Library (now a huge private home) when I was a kid.  I can still remember the musty smell of old books that hit you when you walked in the door.  On summer days we would ride our bikes over and return with backpacks full of books.  I won the summer reading contest there one year, it was a lousy little change purse. :)  If I had known that I probably wouldn't have worked so hard. I  also remember doing research there as a middle school gal, and being so upset when it closed and we had to use the uptown (also closed now) library.  I remember going there once, and that's it.  That building has sat vacant for years. 

Yesterday it was library day for Auntie and the Goovers, and as part of the process we each have to read a book to the others.  So, no matter what we're going to do after the library, like playing at the park, Tater picks one of her choices and reads to us first.  I didn't have time for the park yesterday, but  in order to spend a little more time with them I took them along on errands.  It was kind of nice having company in the grocery, someone to push the cart, and they even bagged the groceries!  (this must be why people procreate) I let them pick out something for lunch, and then we had an indoor picnic and reading time before I drove them home.  Plus they got to hear a few stories about their Dad.

The car ride is longer now, so I decided to teach them an old camp song.......  ♫ The other day♫  We sang it three times at the top of our lungs, windows down, cruising along the highway.  These are the things that I will remember when I am an old woman, and I will put down my book, and smile. :)

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