Life Lessons


Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Oh my goodness.  The sun is out, the birds are singing, the creek is running (up and over it's banks) and it is such a beautiful morning!  There's still three feet of snow on the ground, but.....

♫Oh what a beautiful morning!  Oh what a beautiful day.  I've got a beautiful feeeeeeelin', every thing's goin' my way!♫

Don't you think I didn't sing that.

We have survived the long winter!  I'm not fool enough to think that Sprinter has left us, but with the warmer temps, and the arrival of ROBIN, red winged black bird, white breasted nuthatch, cowbird, and a lil goldfinch to the menagerie I do believe that Spring has Sprung in The North!

It's also a huge attitude shift.  You can just feel that people are "lighter". No matter how hard you try the long days drag most people under at some point.  You just give up, huddle in, and wait.  Even the promise of red "Wellies" for the mud puddles on the horizon isn't enough to make you smile.  Trying to focus on planting flowers, and a veggie garden worked for awhile, but it is very disheartening to watch foot after foot of snow cover the areas you are trying to plan. (in late March and April)

I have only lived through two real, honest to goodness, Springs in my life.  One was here, two years ago, and the other was Once Upon A Time when I was a nanny living in Madison.  If I got to see more of it, perhaps I would like the season more.  As it is, it's probably my least favorite, just because it's usually so gloomy.  Today, however, I will embrace the Spring!  *cue robin's singing

For the record, I'm not a snow hater.  I like snow, in the Wintertime, where it belongs. :) 

                HAPPY SPRING!

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