Life Lessons


Friday, April 11, 2014


It's hard to believe that The Artist Formerly Known As Pablo turned twelve today!

Pablo and the Goovers, just yesterday......
I saved this little convo for his birthday blog, because it really represents just about every conversation Paul and I have.

Last summer I stopped over at Jerry and Jenny's to drop off some AVON.  Paul had just finished painting his room, so I went up to check out the finished product.  He got to spatter paint lots of different colors on the wall, which I couldn't really wrap my head around, but looks pretty neat!

I walk into the room and he is sitting on the floor, headset on, playing a video game of some sort.  I didn't know what, the monitor was behind me, and I was more interested in the art on the wall. (and tormenting him)

Me: What the heck did you do to MY bedroom?
TAFKAP: (evil grin) You mean MY bedroom.

Then I complimented him on the nice work, and took a moment to get all nostalgic, because it was, in fact, MY room for fourteen years.  I think it looked better with Duran Duran, John Stamos, and MENUDO posted all over the walls, but I digress.....

I realized that Paul was talking to me so I snapped out of it.

Me:  What?
TAFKAP: Not you, I'm talking to my friend, on the headset.  We're playing this game together.
Me: Huh? 

His Mom explains that he is playing the game with a friend who lives down the street. 

Me: What the heck?  Get off that dang thing, go outside and play with your friend. It's a beautiful day!  Geez.
TAFKAP:  (into the headset) Nothing, it's just my Aunt.......  (eye roll at me)  As he starts shooting something on the screen, and then gives some instructions to his pal.

That's when I turned to look at the game.  I was stunned.  The television he was playing on was literally the biggest tv I have ever seen.

I turned back to look at him with my mouth hanging open.

Me:  Where in the heck did you get that t.v??
TAFKAP:  (lil smirk and twinkling eyes)

His Mom tells me that her parents weren't using it and gave it to him.

Me:  You aren't spoiled or anything are you?
TAFKAP: (big grin)  I refuse to answer that question.
Me: (eye roll at him)

Then I watched him kill some zombies for a bit.  The concept of being able to play a game like that with a friend who is down the street kind of blew my mind.  While I sat there watching, I recalled days gone by when his father, uncle, and I sat in that very room, sweating bullets in the August heat, trying to master Super Mario Brothers on the new Nintendo. 

Times have changed, and Auntie has a hard time keeping up.  Especially with this one.  This nephew of mine makes me feel my age, on a regular basis. :)

This past winter Paul was honored at St. Anthony's for serving his 200th mass. My Dad would have been so proud.  He and my Uncle Bill probably served 1000 masses in that church, and my brothers took their turns too. 

Happy Birthday my twelve year old Pablo.  Yes, I said it. 

Love you to the moon and back, but I haven't forgotten that I owe you one.  Oh yeah.  It's coming......♥

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