Life Lessons


Saturday, October 25, 2014


A couple of months ago we were smelling something awful in the house, but couldn't figure out what it was.  The hunt began, and I found a dead mouse, stuck in the trap.  It was on the counter, but when it snapped I guess it positioned itself where I just didn't see it at a glance.  The weather had been warm, and that created an awful, disgusting mess to clean up.  It still makes me gag.  So The Brown Eyed Man decided that we shouldn't keep the traps on the counter any more, and moved the next one to the floor.  I disagreed with this, because ( no, not because I always disagree with him) of Jake and Milkie.  I was pretty sure one of them were going to end up getting snapped.  So the discussion ended with the trap on the floor, and the disclaimer that it was his problem/responsibility if one of the pets got snapped with it.

The trap has been there for probably close to two months, and nothing.  I knew that a mouse was behind the stove (that's where they come in) because Milkie has been stalking that area for the last couple days.  The trap, however, remained empty.  Kate and I were just discussing this when she noticed it sitting there last Tuesday.  Let me reassure you Kate, neither of the pets got snapped. That isn't quite where this is going.

This morning I was standing at the patio doors, looking out on my little world, wondering where the chickadees were, when I suddenly noticed that the trap was gone.  I figured that Jake got a hold of it, and we would find it chewed up in the living room.  I was just thankful he didn't get snapped.  I told the Brown Eyed Man it was missing, and he came over to investigate.  Then the hunt was on.  Nothing to be found in the kitchen, and nothing in the living room.  Now we both became a little concerned that it was Milkie, so we went into her room and disturbed her morning nap.  Nothing on her paws or tail..........  Gave her a few pats, and headed back out to continue the hunt.  As I came out of the bedroom, something in Ash's room caught my eye.  There, in the middle of a pile of Milkie's toys, was the trap, along with the dead mouse.

There was a bit of Chimeleski Fun Time going on around four a.m.  I remember Milkie waking me up, and thinking she probably needed food.  I stumbled on into Ash's room, where I keep Milkie's dish up on the big daybed out of Jacob's reach.  She didn't pay much attention, she was more interested in battling with Jake.  I stumbled on back to bed.  If the mouse was in there at that time, amid her toys, thank goodness I didn't notice it!

So I guess that Milk has enough instinct to stalk the mouse, but maybe not to kill it.  Then, once dead, she added it to her toy pile.........  I'm not sure what that means.  I'm just glad it's gone, and glad she didn't drag it in to show me at 4am.  *shudder*

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Spooktacular Birthday!

This past weekend the Goovers came out for Hannah's birthday sleepover!  Even the oldest Goov made an appearance from college, which was very exciting for us!  Ash hadn't had the chance to come out to the house before, so the girls had fun showing her where her room was, and all of the fun things to do outside.  She was volunteering at Boo At the Zoo, so she didn't make it out til dinner time.  I picked the little goovers up at 12:30, so we had an afternoon of shopping, leaf fun, and pumpkin carving!

Our adventure started out at Menards, because for whatever reason, we must always go to Menards.  The kids got to pick out a birthday present for Uncle Leon, and then much to Hannah's delight she got to pick out some accent pieces for my fall village.  Hannah has always been obsessed with my knick-knacks, especially the village.  She also picked out her birthday present (a lava lamp), and promises to act surprised at her party next weekend.  When we got home Hannah set about opening the boxes and adding the cemetery, creepy tree, witches brooms, and witch/cauldron that she picked out to the village, only to re-arrange them several more times over the next day.

When the kids stay for birthday sleepovers they get to pick the menu/snacks/activities.  Hannah picked home made pizzas, brownie ice cream sundaes, and pumpkin seeds.  We actually ran out of time for a snack, there was just too much to do.  Plus I made hot buttered O's for the college kid who asked for them, so there was a random snack for anyone who wanted to dip in.

The girls headed outside to check out the leaf situation in the valley.  They decided that raking was fun, and wanted to make a pile of leaves to jump in!


After quite some time of jumping and throwing leaves at each other we had a scavenger hunt.  When each kid completed their list, the prize was a pumpkin of their own to design.  I carved Hannah's and The Brown Eyed Man carved Taters.  Ash had to do hers after dinner.

Hannah making her bday pizza!
After we got all of the pumpkins carved, ate pizza,  had birthday sundaes, surprised The Brown Eyed Man with his present, and had a very quick bonfire, four of us settled in to watch "Hocus Pocus".  You also get to pick the movie when it's your day.  Ash never even made it to the living room, she passed out on her bed.  The Brown Eyed Man bailed next, and I could hear him snoring shortly after.  The Goovers and I made it about half way through the movie.  It was around eleven when I kissed Hannah goodnight (Tater was out like a light when her head hit the pillow.)and got myself to bed.

The morning began with bacon and Mickey Mouse pancakes, and we walked out in our jammas to see the oldest one off.  It's hard to be a grown up and have to miss out on things because you work, but at least she got to spend some time with us!

Hannah, Caitlin, and I watched the end of the movie, and then did some raking in the yard.  I wish I had three rakes, as they really think it's fun, and the labor is cheap!

I hope you had as much fun this weekend as we did, my eleven year old girl!  I can't believe you are a day over five.........  Time is going by much too quickly, it's your last year in grade school, and you are growing up into quite the young lady.

There will be one more gift for you next Saturday, something very special to me.  You know what it is, and I know you will take good care of it, and enjoy it as much as I did.  Maybe not as much as you would enjoy a big pack of post-it notes, but your Mother would kill me.  ;)
Blowing out her bday candle, that she insisted be IN the pumpkin.

Love you SO much  Hannah Noelle, straight from..........Albequerque!

XOXO  ♥   Auntie Jo

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Timmy In The Fuel Tank

I have a very smart dog.  Yes, I am bias, but he's amazing!  He is also adorable.

I really didn't find it cute last night when he took my spot in bed and refused to give it back.  I crept into the foot he left me, and then lay awake listening to him snore between us.  It wasn't long, however, before Milkie started monkeying with something in the kitchen and he took off to see what she was up to.  The plan was to never let him in bed.  That lasted a whole six months.

Anyway, that isn't what today's blog is about, it's his smarts.  He is extremely well trained as far as his border goes, or to come when he's called.  He is an excellent guard dog, because nothing gets in this yard without his alarm going off.  Nothing.  He doesn't usually bark randomly either, so you know that something is up if he does.  Although he isn't above faking it in the evening if he wants to get The Brown Eyed Man to go out on a "mission".  Which I believe entails walking the perimeter to check things out.  I don't know.  I'm not usually invited on missions, and Jake is very clear about that.

He can bring you a specific toy, and he knows all the regular dog things, but it's very rare that he will do them on command, (for me) except lay down.  He will give The Man a high five, but he wont do it to me.  He "kisses a lady's hand", which is like shake a paw, but he holds my hand and kisses it. He can fetch, but mostly wont.  If Jake doesn't see the reason behind something, good luck getting him to do it.  I can relate.......  When he and I go out on an adventure, he knows where we are going by what I say, and takes off in the appropriate direction.

If the weather is "iffy" I give him the choice to be inside or outside, and it's always very clear which he chooses.  If it's going to be crappy he stays in, and he knows by our morning routine that's what's happening.  If it's nice, he's out, and again he knows it by the routine. 

Alright, enough bragging about the dog.  Here's what happened today:

It was time to order propane, and big trucks and people coming into the yard are kind of upsetting to Jake, but hardly at all if one of us is home.  So much so that the septic guy asked if we got a new dog in the last month.  He was picking up at the neighbors and Jake was on the end of his chain giving him what for.  When the septic guy is here we're home, because Young's septic works with me and I can schedule a day to be here.  Jake isn't even on his tether, and just follows the same guy around.

 The fuel companies wont, not even in advance.  So we expected them one day this week, but they were supposed to call first so we would know.  They were aware of Jake, AND knew I would be home this morning til about noon. 

No phone call, so I headed to town, and returned around four.  Jake always barks when we come home, and will continue a bit after he's unhooked and we're in the yard.  I honestly think he's recounting everything that happened that day.   Today he did his regular thing, but wouldn't quit it.  I brought the groceries in, he came in too, and was barking in the house.  I told him to zip it, and he did, but when we went back out he started barking again.  Later, when The Brown Eyed Man got home they went out to play, and I joined them about twenty minutes later.  Jake started again with the barking at me.  I looked at him, and I said " What is the MATTER Lassie?  Is Timmy in the well?"  Then I stopped dead, looked at The Man, and said, "I bet Timmy is in the fuel tank!"  I ran over, and sure enough the fuel had been delivered some time this afternoon.  Walked down to get the mail, and there was the bill. (Cause no one in their right mind would hang that on the door Jacob is tethered near. lol)  Since I stumbled on to what he was trying to communicate there hasn't been a bark.  Hope whoever brought it wasn't too traumatized...........  Cause this angel face is only for "his" people. ;)

Puppy Love

Monday, October 6, 2014

Frost On The Pumpkin

I'm glad I had a chance to enjoy my flower garden this past weekend, we had the first frost of the year last night.  While fall is definitely my favorite season, I'm really sad to see the garden begin it's decline.  I took out the veggie gardens last Monday, so no more work until spring with that.  If I had realized it was going to frost I would have tossed a pillowcase over the mums.  Oh well.  I hope I didn't transplant them into the garden to late for them to take root and come back next year.  Regardless, they were beautiful!

I even set out my fall village this weekend, minus the Halloween addition, because I can't find where I stuck the box.  It's not in the big closet with the rest of the decorations, so it must be in the bedroom closet amongst the boxes I haven't unpacked. "gulp"  Probably never see it again.  I'm thinking the Goovers would probably like to help me pick out a new fall piece.  They love to monkey around with the village.

We haven't turned the furnace on in the house full time yet.  On two separate occasions (one this past Sat morning) we did turn it on and let it run til it warmed things up.  Propane will be delivered this week, so after that we'll just set er at 68 and let the good times roll!  I have mentioned moving the bedroom around to get the dang bed away from the heat vent, I hate the warm air wafting by my head.  We got as far as taking the ac out of the window.......  Pretty soon I will do it myself and put things were I (that is a very capital I) want them.  Cause that's how I roll.

The plow truck is ready, I just have to buy a new shovel, mine broke with the last snowfall.  So..... last May?     We also have to buy a looooonnnnggg ladder, so there aren't any more adventures getting up on the roof if we get piles, upon piles, of never ending snow again this year.  That is what some forecasts are calling for, and I'm glad......because they are always wrong!

When I saw the frost on my car this morning my heart just sank.  NO, not yet!  I'm not ready for this yet. I don't want to leave the house earlier to clean off the car.  That turns into letting the car run awhile, which leads to cleaning off snow, and sub zero temps where I get up really early to make sure it's even going to start.  It all culminates with death drives to and from work, in the dark morning, and the pitch black night.  Yuck.

I'm going to have to try and keep my focus on the things I love about this time of year.  The smell and sound of the crisp new fallen leaves, the gorgeous color right out my back door, bonfires, apple cider, apple crisp, apples with caramel, carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds, and decorating for Halloween!