Life Lessons


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Timmy In The Fuel Tank

I have a very smart dog.  Yes, I am bias, but he's amazing!  He is also adorable.

I really didn't find it cute last night when he took my spot in bed and refused to give it back.  I crept into the foot he left me, and then lay awake listening to him snore between us.  It wasn't long, however, before Milkie started monkeying with something in the kitchen and he took off to see what she was up to.  The plan was to never let him in bed.  That lasted a whole six months.

Anyway, that isn't what today's blog is about, it's his smarts.  He is extremely well trained as far as his border goes, or to come when he's called.  He is an excellent guard dog, because nothing gets in this yard without his alarm going off.  Nothing.  He doesn't usually bark randomly either, so you know that something is up if he does.  Although he isn't above faking it in the evening if he wants to get The Brown Eyed Man to go out on a "mission".  Which I believe entails walking the perimeter to check things out.  I don't know.  I'm not usually invited on missions, and Jake is very clear about that.

He can bring you a specific toy, and he knows all the regular dog things, but it's very rare that he will do them on command, (for me) except lay down.  He will give The Man a high five, but he wont do it to me.  He "kisses a lady's hand", which is like shake a paw, but he holds my hand and kisses it. He can fetch, but mostly wont.  If Jake doesn't see the reason behind something, good luck getting him to do it.  I can relate.......  When he and I go out on an adventure, he knows where we are going by what I say, and takes off in the appropriate direction.

If the weather is "iffy" I give him the choice to be inside or outside, and it's always very clear which he chooses.  If it's going to be crappy he stays in, and he knows by our morning routine that's what's happening.  If it's nice, he's out, and again he knows it by the routine. 

Alright, enough bragging about the dog.  Here's what happened today:

It was time to order propane, and big trucks and people coming into the yard are kind of upsetting to Jake, but hardly at all if one of us is home.  So much so that the septic guy asked if we got a new dog in the last month.  He was picking up at the neighbors and Jake was on the end of his chain giving him what for.  When the septic guy is here we're home, because Young's septic works with me and I can schedule a day to be here.  Jake isn't even on his tether, and just follows the same guy around.

 The fuel companies wont, not even in advance.  So we expected them one day this week, but they were supposed to call first so we would know.  They were aware of Jake, AND knew I would be home this morning til about noon. 

No phone call, so I headed to town, and returned around four.  Jake always barks when we come home, and will continue a bit after he's unhooked and we're in the yard.  I honestly think he's recounting everything that happened that day.   Today he did his regular thing, but wouldn't quit it.  I brought the groceries in, he came in too, and was barking in the house.  I told him to zip it, and he did, but when we went back out he started barking again.  Later, when The Brown Eyed Man got home they went out to play, and I joined them about twenty minutes later.  Jake started again with the barking at me.  I looked at him, and I said " What is the MATTER Lassie?  Is Timmy in the well?"  Then I stopped dead, looked at The Man, and said, "I bet Timmy is in the fuel tank!"  I ran over, and sure enough the fuel had been delivered some time this afternoon.  Walked down to get the mail, and there was the bill. (Cause no one in their right mind would hang that on the door Jacob is tethered near. lol)  Since I stumbled on to what he was trying to communicate there hasn't been a bark.  Hope whoever brought it wasn't too traumatized...........  Cause this angel face is only for "his" people. ;)

Puppy Love

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