Life Lessons


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Grandma's Applesauce

My Mom's Mom, whom we called  Grandma Lenihan, or Grandma Leni, lived with my family on the weekends, during my entire childhood.  Mom picked her up on Saturday morning, and brought her back home on Monday afternoons.  When I think of her it is usually when I am cleaning something fresh picked from the garden, or preparing applesauce.  First of all, it's her recipe, secondly that's where you would find my Grandma, every Saturday afternoon.  Sitting at our kitchen table, cleaning and preparing the bounty my Dad was dragging in from the garden, or peeling apples from our tree.  In the off season she would be peeling store bought apples, because we almost always had fresh applesauce in the fridge.

I have watched my Grandma cook a lot of things, but I never saw her measure anything, or follow a recipe.  That must be where I get it from.  My Mom did take the time to write out the recipe for Grandma's Applesauce, but I never use it.  Cut and peel every apple I have, dump in a bunch of sugar, a clump o' cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg.  I made a batch two weeks ago, and it wasn't nearly enough sugar, or cinnamon.  This time I got it just right.  I don't think getting it on the second try is too bad, I haven't made applesauce in a good eight years.

Lucky for me a generous patient brought me in several pounds of apples from her tree.  Some had seen better days, but they were perfect for sauce.  MMMMmmmmm almost burned my mouth taste testing.  Just like when Grandma made it.  When she wasn't looking I would sneak a finger into it, and pay dearly.  We are talking about planting some apple trees next spring, time will tell.  It sure would be nice.

So today on day 10 of being thankful, I am thankful that Cheryl was so generous, and I am thankful for Grandma Lenihan.  She was an amazing woman, and I was so lucky to have her close by.  She taught me a great many things, but I think the most important was this:

 Grandma's hands were always busy.  Working, reading, cuddling, comforting, cooking, or praying the rosary.  If she wasn't busy, she was snoozing in the chair.  She never cared to be idle, there was always something she could be doing, or someone she could be helping.  Unless it was Saturday night, and Love Boat was on.   Grandma never snoozed through that one.  ♥

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