Life Lessons


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Graduates and Grease Monkeys

Friday, May 8, 2015 was Hannah's last grade school concert. Time is flying by way too quickly, and she will be graduating to Middle School in a few weeks.  Although, I do really like the girls at this age, because they are interested in so many neat things, and we have a lot to talk about.  It's also easier now that they can help themselves, and help me too.  I don't mind being chief cook and bottle washer when they are around, but it's nice to be able to have someone make dessert, or set the table, or grab me something out of the pantry!  I no longer have to be the choci-milk creator, and they can pour their own appo-juice.

I took the day off Friday, finished cleaning the house, and headed off to the program.  Perhaps I got a little teary at the end when they sang the final good-bye song to the fifth graders, but I was there on my own, so no one will ever know.  Apparently the gentleman I sat next to is Hannah's best friend Sam's Dad, which I wasn't aware of at the time.  Small world. (stranger danger........I don't like sitting that close to folks who aren't "mine".)
Hannah's Solo!

When the program ended I signed the Goovers out of their respective classrooms, and we headed out to forage for food.  They chose chicken strips and mac and cheese from the grocery.  I grabbed some burgers from the meat store for the brown eyed man and myself.  We agreed on brownie sundaes for dessert though!

When the Brown Eyed Uncle got home he and Tater got right to work on the ice racer.  Hannah was more interested in helping me in the house this time around.  When dinner was ready I went out to get them and see what was going on.  Tater was arms deep in the motor right with her Uncle, wearing his cap, looking happy as a clam.  I have some really good pictures, but I value my life, so you only get this one.
Lil Grease Monkey
After dinner the grease monkeys headed back out to the car, and Hannah and I cleaned up.  Then she and I scooped up Tater and took a walk with Jake down to get the mail.  Upon arrival back at the front porch we heard the Brown Eyed Man start up the ice racer.  I had my back to him, but Tater had full view.  Suddenly she shouts with glee "FIRE!"  She apparently thought that's what happens when you start up the car.  I, however, know that it should not. I said "What?"as my head snapped around to see what was going on, and indeed there was a small grass fire right under the car.  Even with the rain we had, the ground was still so dry.  I yelled over to the Brown Eyed Man "FIRE!" and then when I saw he heard me, yelled at the girls to stay by the porch as I ran toward the situation.  He got it out quickly, without any incident.  Whew!  

Saturday was pretty nice out, so the girls and I played in the valley and fed the birds.  Tater and I climbed our way to a rougher part of the creek bank, because there were some yellow flowers blooming!  We were able to identify them as swamp marigold, and now I'm seeing them all over as I drive in to town.  I thought I was cracking up when I noticed flowers blooming already!
Favorite Spot
Jake really enjoys when the girls are around.  I showed Tater how to take him off the tether, and he sits nicely for her.  He was sad when they left.  So were we.  It was too short of a visit, they will have to come back soon!
Jake and his girl

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