Life Lessons


Friday, June 11, 2010

What's in a Name?

"A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet."

That may very well be true, but have you noticed that roses today actually do not smell nearly as sweet? They are mass produced, and the glorious smell is either faint or non existent. My brother explained this all to me once, but at the moment I can't recall the exact reason why the smell is gone. This may be due to the rum and coke, and a few samples at Happy Hour with the girls this evening! It also, isn't the point. Off on a ramble and I haven't even begun.

Once upon a time the young bartender/waiter at the establishment the girls and I frequent on a semi regular Friday night basis irritated me. I can't recall why, but in my frustration I said something along the lines of "If Skippy doesn't hurry it up he can forget the tip." It stuck, immediately, and the name fits him to a T. So for at least the last six months we refer to him, privately, as Skippy. "Where is Skippy?" "Skippy gave you my drink." "Do you think Skippy will let us use the coupon?" "Is Skippy ever coming back with the check?"

This evening we notice that Skippy once again will be waiting on us in the bar. The Skippy comments start to fly, and I wondered aloud what his real name is? We see him almost every week, perhaps it's something we should know and use. After all, Skippy is a person too. So of course we asked. He looked a little confused, trying to figure out why we would want to know I suppose. No, the old ladies aren't hitting on you sonny. Kerri (of course) fills in the silence with, "Well, we like to call you Skippy. So if you wont tell us, that's what we'll call you." He actually seemed to kind of like it. We should have left it at that. It turns out that his name...... is Phil.

I can not tell you how disappointing that is. Phil???? Ugh. Skippy he will remain, if only in my head. It's much snappier. This is almost as bad as when I found out that Mr. Big's real first name is John. Seriously? After all those years that is the BEST they could do? I raise my glass to you Skippy. Even if you did give me Kerri's DIET rum and coke, *gag* and yes we finally have gotten the concept of a "rail" drink. It's the cheap crap. :)

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